Posted February 03, 2013
haha - gog the underdog:
# 644 - Steam Powered
# 1,263 - Game Stop
# 1,307 - Big Fish
# 1,960 - Game Agent
# 2,778 - Origin
# 4,130 - Game Fly
# 5,470 - GOG
# 7,470 - Zylom
# 11,230 - Green Man Gaming
# 14,723 - Gamers Gate
# 15,988 - Wild Tangent
# 31,276 - Desura
# 37,931 - Impulse Driven
# 63,505 - OnLive
# 72,179 - Get Games Go
# 72,744 - UPlay
# 90,293 - Nuveem
# 119,842 - Game Tap
# 158,406 - Beam Dog
# 165,294 - Gaikai
# 230,221 - IndieCity
# 327,215 - DotEmu
# 776,008 - Indievania
If you want to support the DRM free underdog - then places like Desura, DotEmu and Indievania needs you a lot more then gOg :)
(did I forget any? Amazon and GFW Live cant be done as they are very compound sites)
Edit - God, how I like lists...
# 7,802 - Humble Bundle
# 51,699 - IndieGala
# 54,332 - Indie Royal
# 110,157 - Groupees
# 644 - Steam Powered
# 1,263 - Game Stop
# 1,307 - Big Fish
# 1,960 - Game Agent
# 2,778 - Origin
# 4,130 - Game Fly
# 5,470 - GOG
# 7,470 - Zylom
# 11,230 - Green Man Gaming
# 14,723 - Gamers Gate
# 15,988 - Wild Tangent
# 31,276 - Desura
# 37,931 - Impulse Driven
# 63,505 - OnLive
# 72,179 - Get Games Go
# 72,744 - UPlay
# 90,293 - Nuveem
# 119,842 - Game Tap
# 158,406 - Beam Dog
# 165,294 - Gaikai
# 230,221 - IndieCity
# 327,215 - DotEmu
# 776,008 - Indievania
If you want to support the DRM free underdog - then places like Desura, DotEmu and Indievania needs you a lot more then gOg :)
(did I forget any? Amazon and GFW Live cant be done as they are very compound sites)
Edit - God, how I like lists...
# 7,802 - Humble Bundle
# 51,699 - IndieGala
# 54,332 - Indie Royal
# 110,157 - Groupees
Post edited February 03, 2013 by amok