Garugo: Just to get it straight, we guess in order (then reverse for the second set of answers/guesses). And we get one guess and one question per post? (with the question being something answerable with Yes or No only)
1. I will pose the question.
2. I will ask contestant #1 to respond.
3. Contestant #1 has a minute to respond.
4. If contestants #1 doesn't respond, they forfeit their guess.
5. After contestant #1 responds, *wait for my post*, I will tell contestant #2 to respond after I have record #1's answer. (Don't post a guess until you're asked to!!!!!!!!)
The yes/no format was something we did in previous rounds, if you missed it, it works like this:
Let's say the question is: "I'm thinking of a game on the GOG library, what is it?"
You get a guess AND a yes/no question. "Guess: Witcher 1. Question: Is it a roleplaying game?"
Did I answer your question?
AdiJager: We are using the Pm system or just answering in this topic?
We are answering in topic, because I felt it would be a little less cumbersome that way.
Any other questions?