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high rated
Winner has been picked: grats Wishbone.

Because this game is awesome.

To enter you must not have played it, but want to, and intend to play it this weekend (I mean at least some of it, you don't have to do the whole damned thing in a weekend if you don't want). I'm fucking lazy, so just say why you're interested in it and if it's not completely half assed I'll throw your name in the "hat".

EDIT: BTW, this is a Steam only game, yeah you will have to use Steam to play it.
Post edited February 14, 2013 by orcishgamer
Don't know anything about weekend (should clear some space) but I've wanted it since I was born (which was yesterday) and seems to me that it is always in sale when I don't have any money.
I won't be at a computer that can run it 'till early March, so I'm not entering, but as someone really interested in narrative in games, this one is very near the top of my list.
Spec Ops: The Line is a super fun game. I had a total blast playing as this badass Delta Force guy who is just mowing down tons of bad guys.
It's been on my "to buy" list for a while.

I've heard it's real deep and stuff.

I'd down.
Count me in, please. After watching some videos, Spec Ops: The Line looks amazing, and of course I'll play it if I win ^_^

Why? Because the action looks neat, it can be played with an Xbox 360 controller, my PC can handle it, it has a single player campaign and the story seems to be better than the same CODs... (:P)
Also, I have no problem with Steam, if it is the only DRM in the game :)

Thanks for the giveaway orcishgamer! ^_^
Post edited February 12, 2013 by Azrael360
Really want to play it ASAP. I like military shooter which is at the same time fun and not really frustrating. It don't have to be super realistic so i think Spec Ops fit the bill perfectly.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Been hearing lots of this game and would like to now whats the buzz about it. Could there really "morally challenging" game? Ill believe it when I see it :)
Post edited February 13, 2013 by iippo
I'm in. And thanks for the giveaway.
I'm interested in playing a more mature military shooter, rather than all the cheap garbage that gets shoved in our faces. I've heard nothing but good things about it, especially from this community.
Also, I just played Dead Island, and hated it. So I could use some redemption for this weekend.
ready and willing, need to let off some steam this weekend :)
I really want to play this game, but the children of some friends are coming for a visit this weekend and all of next week, and it seems like the kind of game you shouldn't play in front of children, so I probably won't be playing it until next saturday. I'll leave it up to you as to whether that disqualifies me or not.
I want it because it's set in Dubai. I mean come on, let's be serious here, how video games are set in Dubai?
Nice givaway thanks in too
Not entering, but I'd just like to say thanks for spreading the awesomeness that is Spec Ops around. That game is freaking amazing and hasn't even come close to getting the recognition it deserves.
+1 for the giveaway (im not entering). And yes this game is really quite awesome. Surprised me :).
Post edited February 13, 2013 by nijuu