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what about WWF ?
Didn't Tantrix send them an e-mail ?
If not, if someone speaking German can, let him/her do so.
Updated first post again (again).
and of cource he keeps lying to the public even in this interview, that it is all about his "traffic offence". as we know from other thread, traffic offence was only part of his punishment. noone is put in jail for over 4 years just for "traffic offence".
Narushima: Didn't Tantrix send them an e-mail ?
If not, if someone speaking German can, let him/her do so.

Sent WWF and Krebsstiftung an email, no answer yet.
I'll call via mobile tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Post edited May 26, 2010 by Tantrix
Narushima: I bought the pack,

Ah, you're one of the six that did then?
Narushima: I bought the pack,
Navagon: Ah, you're one of the six that did then?

Two hundred and nineteen at the time I'm writing this, actually.
Post edited May 26, 2010 by Narushima
Right now that site only displays this message:
The Site has technical Problems.
We are back as soon as possible!
When all resolved tomorrow!

Catshade: Right now that site only displays this message:
The Site has technical Problems.
We are back as soon as possible!
When all resolved tomorrow!


You sure it said technical and not moral?
Look, I understand English is not the guy's first language and I certainly wouldn't even try to speak German (I'm as mono-lingual as you can get), but at least be professional enough to get an accurate translation for your website's "sorry we're offline" message. Does the German version read as awkwardly as the English one does?
In case you missed it, here's a video where the man himself explains what got him into trouble, candidly asking why is that supposed to be illegal.
The sole comment is by me (JohnsonLobster, I'm an Hellboy fan. Also, watch my videos !).
Narushima: In case you missed it, here's a video where the man himself explains what got him into trouble, candidly asking why is that supposed to be illegal.
The sole comment is by me (JohnsonLobster, I'm an Hellboy fan. Also, watch my videos !).

Lol, and apparently your comment was somehow flagged as "spam". Wonder who did it.
I got an answer:
vielen Dank f�r den Hinweis. Wir hatten von der Aktion bis gestern keinerlei
Kenntnis. Herr Kolbe ist mir nicht bekannt, noch waren wir �ber die
Verwendung unseres Logos auf der Seite informiert.
Grunds�tzlich spricht nichts gegen solche Aktionen zu unseren Gunsten nur
m�ssen sie nat�rlich mit uns abgesprochen und rechtlich einwandfrei sein.
Das erste war hier nicht der Fall, wieweit der Download von Spielen auf
diesem Wege zul�ssig ist, vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen.
Mit freundlichen Gr�ssen
Jens Kort
"Thank you very much for telling me. W had no idea of this project until yesterday. I don't know any Herr Kolbe, nor were we informet about the use of our logo on this site.
Technically nothings says against those kind of projects for our favor but they must agree upon us and be juristically clean.
This here wasn't the only case how far the download of the games is reliable, I cannot jugde that.
Jens Kort.
Post edited May 27, 2010 by Tantrix
Tantrix: Cya,
Jens Kort.

Somehow I don't think "Mit freundlichen Grössen" should be translated into "Cya".
Anyway, this is now my official popcorn thread. The guy is clearly nuts. Who did he marry? Probably some eastern european stripper who needed a work permit.
Narushima: In case you missed it, here's a video where the man himself explains what got him into trouble, candidly asking why is that supposed to be illegal.
The sole comment is by me (JohnsonLobster, I'm an Hellboy fan. Also, watch my videos !).

Does he live in his car or something?
I've been reading silently through the threads in this forum and all the news pages/comments and so on and even did some google searches on this guy and i must say, it's quite amusing to watch him trying to do serious business.
I don't know if givewhateveryouwant is intentionally set up as scam, but his childish behaviour and incompetence should actually stop him from doing any serious business. Just the fact that, as a "serious businessman", he shouldn't be crawling every single forum or comments section just to "get things right" is embarassing. Why not to post a statement on his site to get things straight? Things would look more professional then, i think.
And in addition to that he lies, posts contradictory statements on different forums/comments, almost never uses solid arguments, almost never stays calm, and there's so much more... I talked about him and his businesses with my wife yesterday for nearly an hour, because of the many, many silly/funny things i found to tell her about him... She had a good laugh, too... ;)
That's all from my part, just wanted to drop off a comment.
I'm curious where the whole thing is heading. Will give me some more laughs, i hope... :)
EDIT: The poor woman who married him better has some spare cash put aside for when he finally goes bankrupt... :D
Post edited May 27, 2010 by Grombart