Dischord: I like things as they are, for the reasons stated by cogadh and Telika.
It is fun to sometimes interject a code into an area that is not a gifting topic, just so as to surprise, or distract from degenerating discourse, and provide a break for a moment, without the intent of derailing the thread.
I thought of doing it here, but not wanting to appear as disrespectful to those with an opposing view, opted not to.
If relegated to a select subforum and population, it would take much away from just wanting everyone and anyone from an equal chance at a smile from nowhere, with no strings attached.
This is where I slightly disagree with the OP.
I would consider giveways to be on-topic. They are about games AND GOG. But I also agree with the OP in the amount of clutter they can cause in the single forum. For my part, I wonder how bad it would be if off topic threads were moved? Would the giveaways seem so bad then?
For those discussing the slippery slope. I think that started the day we had a single forum. There is little difference in saying we have 1 forum and not gonna change and saying we have 3 and not gonna change. IMHO, I would be happy with "games" and "off-topic". But I could see the value in a "trading" forum where people post wish lists, trade offers, and/or giveaways. There is no reason the slope couldn't stop right there.
If I want to avoid political slander... I simply don't go to CNN that day. The suggestion here is that if I want to avoid religion, politics, and other off-topics... i should avoid the gaming web site, GOG.com. That seems extremely unnecessary... especially as a business... and even more bizarre when a solution exists successfully across the web.