Crowned: I... I am going to bite the bullet and participate despite thinking I'd never get this game for reasons I wrote down in the release topic.
The reason for participating is as follows: getting this from a giveaway is a very good excuse to try and play the game objectively, and a very good excuse to escape judgement from others if they saw me playing it.
That said, I'm not sure if I really wish to win, because I am terrified of the prospect of having to explain this game on my shelf (and trust me, I would have to), but on the other hand I feel pretty open minded about this, and the mechanics truly interest me.
In any case, if I win, I promise I will try it earnestly and write an objective, non-hater and non-fan review for it. That is a part of the reason to participate, I feel this game might deserve neutral criticism.
Still... I am inexplicably scared. Of the unknown.
Why are you so worried about others seeing your game shelf? Video games already looked down by a lot of people. (most) Parents, when they see their children playing video games will say
"Stop wasting your time playing video games!" And a lot of people think that gamers are a bunch of slackers. Worse is when Fox News target us gamers as some kind of moral deviant.
Are we really that afraid of being labeled?
I'm proud with my game library. Disgaea stand side by side with Battlefield 3. Toro: Let's Party with Saboteur. Suikoden with Diablo 2. I love my hobby. I don't need to waste my time worrying about what people think about me. I am me and they are them. Find better friends.
Now decide, you want this game or not. I hate indecisive people. Take your side or stay behind while others move forward faster.