Rodzaju: "Someday, I'm not gonna be a guard anymore. I'm gonna be a ... manor lord! And I'm gonna hire lots of guards, put 'em on night patrol, then sneak up behind 'em and say, 'Did you hear that?' Watch 'em jump."
The guards really have some of the funniest lines. I wonder if anyone will quote something from the guards' shouting match in the Life of the Party mission.
csmith: Had to Google this because I've never played any of the Thief games, but that seems like a good reason for me to enter. Thank you very much for the giveaway!
"I prefer my payment in CASH...not liquor, Mister...ahh..."
A good reason indeed!
And by all means, if anyone else has yet to play these games, feel free to use Google or, if you really can't find anything, copy one of the lines posted by someone else. I'm using the quotes as a simple way to see who really wants to
play the game.