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A very good idea K_1269!

Now we just need to find a way than Ian, Xyem and HomerSimpson to enter ;)

Obviously not in.
Bah, I guess I should've started being active on the forums the moment I registered...
Obviously not in but if I could give a boost to Ian, please count my plea ;-)

Some other nominees include Xyem, Bigs, HomerSimpson, ahkliber, ne_zavarj, thespian, triock - gah, the list is endless!

And Licurg!!
Post edited May 26, 2013 by Momo1991
Not in, but thanks and +rep.
In for Giana Sisters or Icewind Dale

EDIT: from the list
Hocus Pocus.
Duke Nukem 1 + 2
Rise of The Triad: Dark War
Blake Stone: Planet Strike.
Post edited May 27, 2013 by kmonster
Thank you K ! I'm not qualify so I'm not in, but want to say thanks :-)
Wow, Thank you, you are great!

I'd love to get Wizardry 8.
tinyE: I would have had a 720 rep had I not started making fun of dead people. :D
Yeah, they are a bit oversensitive. I guess we'd be too.
K_1269: Requirements: 750rep ( I will make exceptions for those with a continuous positive impact that came to the foums a bit later. So if you feel you or someone else should really be allowed to enter, say so and I"ll check out if you/they fit the criteria I'm aiming for.)
Well... I've been on the GOG forum every day since I joined, so it's definitely a continuous impact, tho some would argue about the "positive" part :P In case you think I'm good to be an exception:

1: Eador: Masters of a Broken World(20$)
2. Fantasy Wars(10$)
3.Soul Reaver(6$)

EDIT: If I win the 40$ prize, give me Eador:MoaBW and the rest to someone else.

EDIT2: And Duke Nukem 1&2 from the second list.
Post edited May 26, 2013 by Licurg
I'll vote for:
$40 GOG - Divinity Dragon Commander
$20 GOG - HoMM5
$10 GOG - HoMM3
$6 GOG - Theme Hospital

Edit 2 list:
Terminal Velocity
Duke Nukem 1&2
Secret Agent
Realm of Chaos
Balls of Steel
Hocus Pocus

THank you to all the fantastic contributors.
I would love to thank you all specifically, but some of you want to stay anonymous.....
Post edited May 26, 2013 by Rodzaju
Telika: Yeah, they are a bit oversensitive.
Dead people are like that sometimes. You'd think that given the circumstances, they might chill a little, but apparently not...
Many thanks K_1269. While I also rarely enter, I will enter for
Omerta: City of Gangsters - The Arms Industry (DLC)
I don't think I'm the one who deserves it, but what the hell.

I'm in for:
Book of Unwritten tales 2

and Wizardry 8
samlii for sure deserve to enter! ;)
I've been around since the start, but sadly the rep bar beats me!!

Congrats on an excellent idea for a giveaway though - damn right that those on here who do the more generous deeds get some recognition..;)