Posted May 24, 2013
high rated
Giveaway closed!
The winners can be found here:
This giveaway is aimed at those longtime GOGmembers that have basically made this forum into the place the rest of us liked so much that we decided to stick around and those that just had an exceptional positive impact on the forum since they came along. It is a bit hard to measure this, so I decided to go with rep as most that have been here a long time and have continuously been active should have plenty of it.
2 x $20 GOGgame ( if you choose a game of lesser value, I'll draw more winners until the money is spend) ( the 2nd $20 game will be gifted by Dischord)
3 x $10 GOGgame ( again,if you choose a game of lesser value, I'll draw for more winners until the money is spend) ( the 2nd $10 game will be gifted by Dischord) ( 3rd $10 game will be gifted by samlii)
1 x $6 GOGgame ( thanks to the generosity of akhliber)
+ $40 worth of GOGgames ( that will be gifted by a very generous forummember who prefers to stay anonym)
+ The GOGgames listed in Edit 2 ( thanks to Kristians generosity)
Requirements: 750rep ( I will make exceptions for those with a continuous positive impact that came to the foums a bit later. So if you feel you or someone else should really be allowed to enter, say so and I"ll check out if you/they fit the criteria I'm aiming for.)
To enter: please tell me which game you would like to win, that's all ;)
Good luck to you all :)
[Edit 1] Prizes were doubled by Dischord! Please make sure to thank him for his exceptional contiued generosity! Also an anonymous donation of $40 worth of prizes was made as well! Akhliber donated an additional prize of another $6 GOGgame, please make sure to thank him as well! Also, samlii donated another $10 GOGgame to the giveaway, please thank him as well for his continued generosity! Thank you all very much Dischord, akhliber, samlii and you know who you are! :D
[Edit 2] Another generous donation by Kristian has just been made. As he is donating specific games, you are allowed to add the game(s) you want from the following list in addition to your original entry. Please list them in order of preference if your interested in several. And please make sure to thank Kristian for his generosity as well!
1. Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition.
2. Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.
3. Rise of The Triad: Dark War.
4. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold.
5. Blake Stone: Planet Strike.
6. Duke Nukem 1 + 2.
6. Terminal Velocity.
7. Balls of Steel.
8. Hocus Pocus.
9. Secret Agent.
10. Realms of Chaos
The winners can be found here:
This giveaway is aimed at those longtime GOGmembers that have basically made this forum into the place the rest of us liked so much that we decided to stick around and those that just had an exceptional positive impact on the forum since they came along. It is a bit hard to measure this, so I decided to go with rep as most that have been here a long time and have continuously been active should have plenty of it.
2 x $20 GOGgame ( if you choose a game of lesser value, I'll draw more winners until the money is spend) ( the 2nd $20 game will be gifted by Dischord)
3 x $10 GOGgame ( again,if you choose a game of lesser value, I'll draw for more winners until the money is spend) ( the 2nd $10 game will be gifted by Dischord) ( 3rd $10 game will be gifted by samlii)
1 x $6 GOGgame ( thanks to the generosity of akhliber)
+ $40 worth of GOGgames ( that will be gifted by a very generous forummember who prefers to stay anonym)
+ The GOGgames listed in Edit 2 ( thanks to Kristians generosity)
Requirements: 750rep ( I will make exceptions for those with a continuous positive impact that came to the foums a bit later. So if you feel you or someone else should really be allowed to enter, say so and I"ll check out if you/they fit the criteria I'm aiming for.)
To enter: please tell me which game you would like to win, that's all ;)
Good luck to you all :)
[Edit 1] Prizes were doubled by Dischord! Please make sure to thank him for his exceptional contiued generosity! Also an anonymous donation of $40 worth of prizes was made as well! Akhliber donated an additional prize of another $6 GOGgame, please make sure to thank him as well! Also, samlii donated another $10 GOGgame to the giveaway, please thank him as well for his continued generosity! Thank you all very much Dischord, akhliber, samlii and you know who you are! :D
[Edit 2] Another generous donation by Kristian has just been made. As he is donating specific games, you are allowed to add the game(s) you want from the following list in addition to your original entry. Please list them in order of preference if your interested in several. And please make sure to thank Kristian for his generosity as well!
1. Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition.
2. Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.
3. Rise of The Triad: Dark War.
4. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold.
5. Blake Stone: Planet Strike.
6. Duke Nukem 1 + 2.
6. Terminal Velocity.
7. Balls of Steel.
8. Hocus Pocus.
9. Secret Agent.
10. Realms of Chaos
Post edited May 28, 2013 by K_1269