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Momo1991: Another rare and elusive creature sighted!
Thespian*: Reminds me to some of the creatures in "Beyond Good and Evil".... :P

Just kidding, Ralackk. Your avatar is more like the Emperor of Mankind in Warhammer 40k lore. ;)
I think it is a snippet from the inlay of one of the WH40K rulebooks...
Also adding Psyringe and AFnord to the exceptionlist.

Thank you all for the suggestions on who to add, it helped me out a lot, althrough, it being so many, I likely missed someone along the way.

I won't be adding anymore people to the excetionlist through, as I'm hoping to draw the winners one of these comming days. Can't say when exactly as it depends on when I have enough time for it and whether the GOGwebsite is working properly for me then or not( had some trouble since yesterday).

To those of you who suggested Momo1991: I did consider her and while I agree that she has been a very postive addition to the forum since she came along, a 2013 join date is just "too young" for this particular giveaway imo. ( Already had a very hard time putting Thespian* & Licurg on the list for the very same reason.)

Also, samlii just generously donated another $10 GOGgame to the giveaway, please make sure to thank him as well!
Post edited May 27, 2013 by K_1269
K_1269: To those of you who suggested Momo1991: I did consider her and while I agree that she has been a very postive addition to the forum since she came along, a 2013 join date is just "too young" for this particular giveaway imo. ( Already had a very hard time putting Thespian* & Licurg on the list for the very same reason.)
I didn't join in 2013 , and neither did Thespian. You got my "re-birthday" wrong :P
Licurg: I didn't join in 2013 , and neither did Thespian. You got my "re-birthday" wrong :P
I meant you are also quite "young" ;)
I can understand your decision since the giveaway is reserved for "longtime members".
I'd like to ask for permission to enter. In a few words, I've run a number of giveaways (in the form of Twenty Questions) previously (none recently, no money) and I also maintain the sticky thread in the Deus Ex Series forum. I've done some minor work on the community wiki as well.
Thespian*: Reminds me to some of the creatures in "Beyond Good and Evil".... :P

Just kidding, Ralackk. Your avatar is more like the Emperor of Mankind in Warhammer 40k lore. ;)
Rodzaju: I think it is a snippet from the inlay of one of the WH40K rulebooks...
Its actually Bioskull by Anne Stokes Though she claims it's borg inspired I did originally choose it because it looks like it would fit right into WH40K. Also who doesn't like skulls?
Ralackk: ... who doesn't like skulls?
Here here ;)
Austrobogulator: I would like to add another vote for Momo1991. Also I think AFnord should be here, he's almost at 750; furthermore, he's a very friendly dragon.
Thespian*: I support this. ;)
I support this as well!

Thespian should be in there as well!
Post edited May 27, 2013 by niniendowarrior
According to the search engine his/her username hasn't been mentioned in this topic. I'd like to recommend Almabrds to be entered into the list. He/she's got 832 rep pts currently. Maybe he/she misses this topic. He/she currently hosts this giveaway. And today (May 28th) it's his/her birthday.

Gigathanks to the generous contributors and K_1269 for the giveaway. It's a wonderful idea to honor the "Elders" of Hail to the elites of GOGers. Maybe one day I could be one of them.
niniendowarrior: Thespian should be in there as well!
In fact, I am, thanks to K_1269's exception list. Also, akhliber and Kristian donating prizes in a price range I'm a bit more comfortable to ask for it was a a deciding factor to decide to enter as a contestant myself). ;)

And thanks for thinking of me, niniendowarrior! :)

(as well as Momo, prior to that) :)

K_1269: Also, samlii just generously donated another $10 GOGgame to the giveaway, please make sure to thank him as well!
Thanks for your generosity, samlii ! +1 to you too. :)

(to those of you wishing to up'rep him too, here's his post in this thread)

Ralackk: Its actually Bioskull by Anne Stokes Though she claims it's borg inspired I did originally choose it because it looks like it would fit right into WH40K. Also who doesn't like skulls?
It struck me immediately as of WH40K when I saw it. I don't see any actual connection to the Borg canon, in fact. ;)
Post edited May 28, 2013 by Thespian*
Giveaway closed!

Thank you all very much for participating! It was great to see some of these rare entries and see the giveaway come alive like this.:D

Also, I like to give another big thanks to all that contributed to this giveaway ( Kristian, Dischord, akhliber, samlii and you know who you are) as well as those that offered donations, but could not be included in time ( Ian, ggf162 and Iain)!!!

The winners (choosen with help from are:

lukaszthegreat - HMMO3 $10 -> spindown - Wizardry 8 $10
xa_chan - Dreamfall:the Longest journey $15 -> JMich - Omerta: City of Gangsters - The Arms Industry (DLC) $5
Barefoot_Monkey - Chaos on Deponia $20
keeveek - Wizardry 8 $ 10
reaver894 - OVERLORD + RAISING HELL $10
Faithful - The Settlers 3: Ultimate Collection $10
Fenixp - Startopia $6 -> Bigs- Syndicate Wars $6
nmillar - System Shock 2 $10
HomerSimpson - Etherlords $6

1. Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition. -No entry
2. Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. -Thespian*
3. Rise of The Triad: Dark War. -kmonster
4. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold. -ne_zavarj
5. Blake Stone: Planet Strike. -kmonster
6. Duke Nukem 1 + 2. -Licurg
6. Terminal Velocity. -Rodzaju
7. Balls of Steel. -spindown
8. Hocus Pocus. -Austrobogulator
9. Secret Agent. -Rodzaju
10. Realms of Chaos -ne_zavarj

-> means the following winner was drawn because the original winner of that prize choose a game of lesser value

To the Winners: please check your PM in a little while for your key(s). I will send my own gifts right away, as well as the PMs to the other giveaway contributors, so they know what to get for who. Please be patient if it takes a little longer for your prize(s) to arrive through, as many of the contributors might be online during another time of day.

To the contributors: you should receive a PM with the winners and corresponding prizes for your donation shortly. Feel free to either send the key through me or directly to your winner. In the 2nd case please let me know once all your donations have been send through. Thank you all again for your amazing generosity! :D
Post edited May 28, 2013 by K_1269
Congratulations to all winners. Well deserved :)
Yay, thanks Kristian for Hocus Pocus; also, thanks to all the other giveawayers :D
/me gets warm fuzzy feeling.

Thank you to K_1269 and everyone else that sponsored the giveaway.

@K_1269 i will redeem in a little while have to go afk for about 2 hours

thank you again