Death2Videodrome: honestly, mine was Kingdom Hearts...
the first one...
i could not jump across this one spot, that you went across with vines...
i tried at least 50 times...
many different variations & sides in jumping from....
i even went back to it later on...
it was the dumbist game to give up on...
but i got so pissed that i said f-k it...
it wasnt a game that i was super invested in but it still peeved me off that that small spot gave me so much trouble...
i should YouTube that spot to figure it out...
but im a bit more invested in my current games to go back to it...
i figure that one day ill do it & be super pissed when i find out that it was much more simplistic than i made it out to be...
I got stuck for a while on that too, but I was finally able to do it. Then I went back through the level later and realized you were supposed to take a different route and did a facepalm.