Well, my reading list backlog has certainly grown over the course of this thread, thanks.
I was playing Banjo Kazooie and almost beat the final boss a number of times in a row and then I just stopped caring. I had Septerra Core on disc a while back and I was enjoying it, but I got to a point where it would crash whenever I entered a the area I was supposed to go next, so I eventually gave up on that, and now lost the disc. I got to the final area of FFIX and it kept crashing on one of the minibosses and it wasn't until I borrowed a friend's game years later that I finally beat it. The save was still there, but I decided to play through it again. I got to the last area on FFX-2 and stopped caring. The same with FF12, I was about to enter what I think was the last area, but decided take a break to hunt down some Marks, but I got bored and lost interest. I plan to go back and finish them, but I seriously don't know what is up with FF games because I normally have no trouble finishing rpgs.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Post edited January 28, 2013 by Soyeong