Dzsono: I don't have access to a proper computer until after the giveaway, so please put my entry towards
lugum if he can take more points!
Thanks for the giveaway and the link, Chevkoch +1
I did throw that on lugum just to try it, and it stuck! Hope you'll have decent computing soon again :)
lugum: If i won the jackpot of 15 million or just anything big i might have but i didnt so alas. Only games in my giveaway ;).
It was just a week after the operation for Jackie Keane, so yeah he wasn't really used to it yet.
15 million!? Even the Vec won't fetch prices like that :) Jackie Keane, cracks me up.
Domy85: By the way: Thanks for the link. I watched some of their videos and those guys are really great! I especially enjoy the Super Mario World and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Speed Runs as I loved to play those game on the SNES.
Yeah, I've been spending too much time lately watching runs of titles I played and enjoyed before :) It's insane, the level of dedication they have for this. The commentaries are often great as well. Cool you're digging it too.
Goatbrush: Fun idea, not in as I don't know much about the game and not sure if I want to play it but I wanted to post something anyway.
Extremely quick and dirty but I screencapped a youtube video of one of GOGs conferences to bring you TheEnigmaticT minus his hat (courtesy of Steel Panther.)
I'm sorry.
Oh and as I'm not in I'll do the same as GastonArg and you can throw my entry towards whoever posts an image next. Good luck with the speed gaming thing, I'll be sure to check it out.
Extremely dirty? Have you seen my lazy-ass example? I bet you didn't even use the lasso tool, the way you hid the hair behind the mike-hand all fancy, haha. Looking at that, I'm thinking of that
highschool teacher Beavis & Butthead had to endure. Awesome you had fun with this and I'll do as you ask. The next picture-slapper gets your assist. Cheers!