Aliasalpha: Geez man, just come out about it, you'll feel better when you're not lying all the time and she won't keep looking at you funny when she's recently heard noises of men moaning in pain coming from a room you're in
This is totally unrelated but this post just reminded me about it. While playing No one lives Forever, there's a part where you're locked in a vault and some sort of hallucinogen poisonous gas starts to fill the room while your female avatar superspy, Cate Archer, starts sorts of coughing and moaning while graphics of translucent goats bleating about start floating and spinning in front of her face (to illustrate Cate Archer is getting intoxicated and having hallucinations).
The combined sound effects end up going like this:
Cate: Ahhuhn! kahaahk! haak! huuhn! ahaaah!
Goat: *baaaaaaah*
Cate: Gahaaah! huuuhn! ahaaah!
My brother from across the room ended up asking what the hell was I playing.