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Aliasalpha: Its the same with Warhammer 40000 Dawn of War, especially the original when there wasn't a limit on the number of turrets. I used to replicate my old C&C bases, I made base walls out of turrets, expensive but also very defensive.

How comes when we two appear in the same thread, where there's even slightest possibility to reccomend something, words 'Dawn of War' suddenly appear?
On account of its awesomeness?
I just needed reassurance, thank you. It would almost seems my faith dwindles... I shoud probly just play it again
I've often wondered if the adepta sororitas were an attempt to draw female players into warhammer 40K or if it was just a nuns with guns fetish thing
Aliasalpha: Weird that you can play twitchy games like gears but suck at RTS', I've seen that a lot and never quite understood it
JudasIscariot: Because playing an RTS is like herding cats....

Thank you Judas that put me into hysterics for a couple of minutes. Never heard an RTS described that way before.
Aliasalpha: I've often wondered if the adepta sororitas were an attempt to draw female players into warhammer 40K or if it was just a nuns with guns fetish thing

Having met some of the gamesworkshop guys on a few occasions It's probably safe to say its a bit of both.
Post edited July 08, 2009 by Ralackk
JudasIscariot: Because playing an RTS is like herding cats....
Ralackk: Thank you Judas that put me into hysterics for a couple of minutes. Never heard an RTS described that way before.

/takes a bow...
My girlfriend plays games and is.. a girl, obviously. But I wouldn't really call her a gamer. Mostly DS games and Galciv2 on Cakewalk..
She seems to enjoy games as long as her suppremacy is garanteed..
Aliasalpha: On account of its awesomeness?

I have to admit, I quit DoW pretty quick, when I ran into a mission I just flat-out couldn't complete. It wasn't even that far into the game, it was mission 6 or something. I had to cross a bridge into an orc encampment, then across the bridge, this... THING comes thundering. Like 4 elephants stiched together, and covered in chitin armor. It proceeds to wipe out my entire army and all my turrets all by itself. Having tried to defeat it and getting plowed underfoot 5 or 6 times in a row, regardless of army size and composition, I exited the game, and never played it again. Commence scornful newbie comments.
Ahh the squiggoth, the bane of pretty much everyone who ever played DoW. Plasma guns and missle launchers are your friends in that fight as well as as many missile turrets as you can build in the area just before you trigger the encounter.
LordCinnamon: She seems to enjoy games as long as her supremacy is guaranteed..

I once played Risk (the board game) with my partner, I'm not ever doing that again. She actually got upset at even losing a single man, so I called the game to a halt before I invaded America.
Aliasalpha: Geez man, just come out about it, you'll feel better when you're not lying all the time and she won't keep looking at you funny when she's recently heard noises of men moaning in pain coming from a room you're in

This is totally unrelated but this post just reminded me about it. While playing No one lives Forever, there's a part where you're locked in a vault and some sort of hallucinogen poisonous gas starts to fill the room while your female avatar superspy, Cate Archer, starts sorts of coughing and moaning while graphics of translucent goats bleating about start floating and spinning in front of her face (to illustrate Cate Archer is getting intoxicated and having hallucinations).
The combined sound effects end up going like this:
Cate: Ahhuhn! kahaahk! haak! huuhn! ahaaah!
Goat: *baaaaaaah*
Cate: Gahaaah! huuuhn! ahaaah!
My brother from across the room ended up asking what the hell was I playing.
Aliasalpha: Cate: Ahhuhn! kahaahk! haak! huuhn! ahaaah!
Goat: *baaaaaaah*
Cate: Gahaaah! huuuhn! ahaaah!

That, essentially, describes the conversation between myself and a woman who has never heard of gaming of any sort...I play the part of the goat....
Post edited July 08, 2009 by JudasIscariot
stonebro: There are at least plenty of online girl gamers. In World of Warcraft, for example. There are 4-5 active girls in my guild, and they play mostly every day just like the guys.

There is a total of 500 members.
stonebro: There are at least plenty of online girl gamers. In World of Warcraft, for example. There are 4-5 active girls in my guild, and they play mostly every day just like the guys.
TheJoe: There is a total of 500 members.

Huh? In my guild you mean? No, we have about 40 active accounts I guess. So 10% of the guild is female. There are pics on the forums to prove.
stonebro: So 10% of the guild is female. There are pics on the forums to prove.

Ah, so Aliasalpha IS a girl. He's got a picture of a girl on the forum, that's proof ;-p