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Ahh yes but because the definition of game, and thereby the definition of gamer, is so broad, it can no longer be simply classified as an anthropological subcategory of the geek/nerd (perhaps that could be called either gerd or neek) master category. I'd say its more a hybrid with dominant leanings towards neek but having recent ancestral traits in common with normal people who might play a wii game or a guitar game and casual players who get distracted by pretty lights and colours in things like peggle
The MSI wind was going to be my first selection but the prices were just too inflated for what was a standard pattern netbook with little or no difference to the other models. I've found it weird but quick to adapt to the mini 9's keyboard, its something like 80-85% of the size of a normal one but now normal ones feel too big and I have giant freak hands
Post edited July 20, 2009 by Aliasalpha
Aliasalpha: Ahh yes but because the definition of game, and thereby the definition of gamer, is so broad, it can no longer be simply classified as an anthropological subcategory of the geek/nerd (perhaps that could be called either gerd or neek) master category. I'd say its more a hybrid with dominant leanings towards neek but having recent ancestral traits in common with normal people who might play a wii game or a guitar game and casual players who get distracted by pretty lights and colours in things like peggle
The MSI wind was going to be my first selection but the prices were just too inflated for what was a standard pattern netbook with little or no difference to the other models. I've found it weird but quick to adapt to the mini 9's keyboard, its something like 80-85% of the size of a normal one but now normal ones feel too big and I have giant freak hands

Don't knock peggle! That game rocks... :D
I find when you try to categorize stuff you often run in to people/ideas/places/things that don't fit. Which is why I kind of don't like the terms Hardcore or casual gamer. I mean..for instance: My mom plays, a site that helped pioneer the idea of "casual" gaming. She has been a member since before it *was* pogo and sometimes can spend upwards of 8 hours a day just playing...pogo. She is almost sixty and a bit homebound, yet there are 100s of others just like her on pogo. How casual is something like that? I point out that she spends more time gaming then I do...heh. (Would that make her an early female gamer? Hmm.)
Then you have games like second Life that may not have the population of something like World of Warcraft, but the people that play it spend waaaaaay more time in world then many do playing WoW or other mmo's. Many of the people that play that game don't think of themselves as 'gamers' but are, in my opinion. Big population of women in there as well.
So yah, the idea of what a gamer is or isn't is really starting to become stretched. Like the idea of a movie buff, I suppose. There have been so many movies created over such a long period of time, that you can't really see *everything* that comes out. You useta could at one point in time....
Gaming is getting that way as well, just way to much content for one person to play. It's a good thing because that means most people will be a gamer at some point in their life, though I'm sure that the stigma attached to 'gamer' will probably always be a stereotype.
As for the the netbook, i'll probably end up with what I can afford, regardless :D
Post edited July 20, 2009 by deejrandom