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JadeUzuki: *sigh*
To be honest, I hate threads like this. It gets annoying: "OMG, girls play video games!?!?!?" "Hah! I bet they only play Barbie and Hanna Montana!" "Since girls don't like mature shoot-em-ups, they're not REAL gamers!"
I'm a girl; I've played every genre out there, and liked a good deal of them (I stink at RTS's, and horror games are usually too much for me). When I was younger, during my NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis days, I only played platformers. After playing Legend of Legaia for the original Playstation, I went on a RPG kick for several years: story mattered, and nothing else. Now, with the PS2, PS3, and my PC, I like to have a happy balance between gameplay and story. I've sold games back to Gamestop because it had good gameplay but a crappy story, and vice versa as well (Tomb Raider Underworld: good story, BAAAADDD game engine - bugs, glitches, crap controls, etc).
Yes, I'm thinking of getting a Steam account just to play The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition, but I also recently finished my third playthrough of Bioshock for the PS3. I can't wait for the new Ratchet and Clank, but I also want Bioshock 2, Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition, and inFamous (money's tight; I can only have one).
So, gentlemen, here's the deal: girls play the same stuff you do. I'll try not to one-up you and get in your face, if you stop creating these topics. I just want to play games! Thank you.
*climbs off of soapbox*

Were not gentlemen, were gamer nerds. Jeez, women.. AM I RIGHT *nudge nudge*
JK lol
Hmmm. Something occured to me. Shouldn't the new default statement be that almost EVERY girl gamer likes to play bloody FPS games and such, and that almost none of them play mainly peaceful games? (Fortunately, some ladies here provide enough of an exception to not make it a scary truth...)
May it be that they will take it less offensive?
Nobody's picking on you. If you want to play, just play. Also, I don't think this thread is anything like many (most?) other forums' "Girl gamers" threads.
Post edited July 16, 2009 by DrIstvaan
nimagraven: My main problem with RTS is I play very defensively. I like to watch my base expand and build up, then a huge army comes and kicks my ass. I played Homeworld and enjoyed that and also I was pretty good at Dune 2 back in the day until it got tougher in the later levels.

Believe it or not, I have the exact same problem with RTS's that you do.
Used to play Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness RELIGIOUSLY, and that was one of the main reasons I kept playing: To see if I actually COULDN'T get my ass handed to me by the cheap AI.
Which reminds me, I gotta find a way to get Warcraft II working again. Tried getting it into Boxer, but I guess I missed something. :(
DrIstvaan: Also, I don't think this thread is anything like many (most?) other forums' "Girl gamers" threads.

I don't think I'd be that generous.
DrIstvaan: Also, I don't think this thread is anything like many (most?) other forums' "Girl gamers" threads.
Mentalepsy: I don't think I'd be that generous.

Aside from a quite small amount of stereotyping this thread remains stable.
Mentalepsy: I don't think I'd be that generous.
Ois: Aside from a quite small amount of stereotyping this thread remains stable.

I didn't say it wasn't any better than X other forum's thread, but I also wouldn't say it's nothing at all like X other forum's thread.
What I intended is there are no "pics or it ain't true" and "girl gamers are lame" posts. Also, like Ois pointed out, only a small amount of stereotyping is to be found here, posters mostly base their posts on real-life experiences.
DrIstvaan: What I intended is there are no "pics or it ain't true" and "girl gamers are lame" posts. Also, like Ois pointed out, only a small amount of stereotyping is to be found here, posters mostly base their posts on real-life experiences.

True enough.
Aliasalpha: Hmm, cindy lauper was right all along, girls DO just wanna have fun...

Men too but most of them don't want to admit it.
BJWanlund: Which reminds me, I gotta find a way to get Warcraft II working again. Tried getting it into Boxer, but I guess I missed something. :(

Did you try the edition? It contains the game, the expansion and works natively under Windows.
Gragt: Did you try the edition? It contains the game, the expansion and works natively under Windows.

I actually have them both. I got them as part of the original Warcraft Battle Chest for my birthday a very long time ago (when Windows 95 was still new. Eek! Carbon-dated!). I wanted to try getting THEM to work first (mainly because Boxer is a Mac application based on DOSBox). I already have an inquiry into the matter in the comments over on the Boxer blog at
Hope you don't mind my shameless plugging of your site and app, Viggles!
Ah, I see now. Sorry for the confusion.
Okay. Sorry if I seemed like I was on the war path back there. It just baffles me that some men find a girl playing video games so shocking. Girls watch movies and TV, read books, and engage in lots of other hobbies just like men do, so why not video games? And just like men, girls prefer some genres over others. RTS games give me a headache, because I suck a positioning troops and allocating supplies. RPGs and platformers allow for upgrading and customization, but with more control over party actions. For those of you (from both genders) who can play and love RTS's, more power to you.
BTW, Monkey Island SE is really getting me excited. I played and old version of it years ago on our family's old Tandy computer; I can't wait to play it. but I'm holding out for more distribution options besides Steam (especially after reading a horror story in this very forum).
JadeUzuki: It just baffles me that some men find a girl playing video games so shocking. Girls watch movies and TV, read books, and engage in lots of other hobbies just like men do, so why not video games?

Will it baffle you if I tell you most men do not know how a girl works, or even what kind of (terrible) creature it is? (I saw one yesterday. I avoid them whenever I can)
some people here are being ridiculous
pointing out differences between genders out of curiosity and to learn something about games is not sexist if the differences aren't inferiorities. no one is saying girls are worse than guys, just different. i don't like how this has turned into a thread about guys perceptions of girl gamers, instead of focusing on the girls like it was meant to.
anyway, so far it sounds like rts games are less well received, at least by the females who have posted so far.
JadeUzuki: RTS games give me a headache, because I suck a positioning troops and allocating supplies. RPGs and platformers allow for upgrading and customization, but with more control over party actions. For those of you (from both genders) who can play and love RTS's, more power to you.

Do you like turn-based strategy?
Post edited July 17, 2009 by Mentalepsy