My fiancé is a heavy games player, and I know of at least two of her friends who also dig video games as much as they dig dudes.
With my partner, we always play adventure games together from start to finish, and she'll play anything with a storyline. Her favourite to date is 'Still Life', but there was much enjoyment had with Monkey Island and BASS etc. We're currently playing Riven. Anyway I won't bore you with too much detail, but she loves the Sims and her DS more than anything, especially the Ace Attorney series. But has completed Rocket Slime, Elite Beat Agents, Professor Layton, Pokemon etc.
Her friends on the other hand are into RTS mostly, though one of them rates the first Riddick game as an all time favourite. They're all over the DS since day one, plus, you can't keep them off Singstar either it seems.
I don't know exactly what point I'm trying to make, but I know the general female really does play video games a lot more than you'd think these days. You simply can't avoid it.
As for the GOG forums, yeah we all know its an EPIC sausage-fest in here, but that's what you should expect. Plus the last time I saw a girl make a post on these boards, I think there was much horning and innuendo. Captfitz, the only females of note (so to speak) are GOG Staff. One of them being
Coala and the other is
Rysa (whom I'm only guessing at, as this is the internet n' all)