Posted August 20, 2010
Alrighty crazy ex refused to use a gift card for from last xmas and she gave it back to me on the grounds that I wouldnt use it for myself.........(really.... how would she know if i use it myself or not..... then again....whatever, i told her i wouldn't so...i had planned on buying items a charity needed but the charity that i contacted wont bother returning my calls or emails so.... no worries ill just give it to someone here. )
It is a 200$ card, please note this is for (since last time I think there might have been an issue as somethings wont ship everywhere in the world due to region issues or whatever the case may have been...)
Here is how I was thinking of giving it away.
Enter to win, by submitting a pic/vid/whatever you think would impress other gog users. You can either make it yourself or have it be a random find, or whatever, users will vote on who wins... most votes gets the card. Generally speaking, funny i think personally would be more impressive, however, the winner isnt just decided by me.
Terms and conditions are gotta be safe for work, safe for people, i dont want anyone doing anything really dangerous (ie... some of the suggestions that had been used on another thread) So. No porn, nothing that might cause you/others harm.
the winner is the person who gets the most votes by their peers (other users).
#1 200$ amazon card,
#2 75$ card
#3 25$ card
#4th and 5th Gog Game
so when voting arrange your votes from 1st to 5th in order of what you liked best.....
anyone have any other rules to suggest that seem good please feel free.
um... 2 weeks sound ok as to how long to leave it open? If nothing else, that could be changed depending on how everyone feels etc.....
anyway, damn im tired, so im gonna do some paperwork....... and be bored......and get more coffee..... i also am gonna eat some very tasty beef jerky that also has caffiene ;)
It is a 200$ card, please note this is for (since last time I think there might have been an issue as somethings wont ship everywhere in the world due to region issues or whatever the case may have been...)
Here is how I was thinking of giving it away.
Enter to win, by submitting a pic/vid/whatever you think would impress other gog users. You can either make it yourself or have it be a random find, or whatever, users will vote on who wins... most votes gets the card. Generally speaking, funny i think personally would be more impressive, however, the winner isnt just decided by me.
Terms and conditions are gotta be safe for work, safe for people, i dont want anyone doing anything really dangerous (ie... some of the suggestions that had been used on another thread) So. No porn, nothing that might cause you/others harm.
the winner is the person who gets the most votes by their peers (other users).
#1 200$ amazon card,
#2 75$ card
#3 25$ card
#4th and 5th Gog Game
so when voting arrange your votes from 1st to 5th in order of what you liked best.....
anyone have any other rules to suggest that seem good please feel free.
um... 2 weeks sound ok as to how long to leave it open? If nothing else, that could be changed depending on how everyone feels etc.....
anyway, damn im tired, so im gonna do some paperwork....... and be bored......and get more coffee..... i also am gonna eat some very tasty beef jerky that also has caffiene ;)
Post edited August 31, 2010 by akwater