vulchor: (not worth quoting)
Psyringe: Wow.
- Inappropriate thread
- Demanding special treatment for your offer when everybody else uses the dedicated thread for trades
- Presenting a horrible offer in the first place
- Instead of accepting that there is no interest, bumping the thread, after less than a day
- Resorting to ad hominem attacks when called out on the egoistical behavior
- How is it deemed an inappropriate thread? I have never read such a rule that would deem this inappropriate. Who decides? I have never seen a moderator determine similar threads inappropriate
- No special treatment was asked for, and certainly not demanded.
- $30 for anything at all in return can hardly be deemed a horrible offer. Hell, I'd give them away if there was someone who wanted them but couldn't/didn't want to give anything up for them. Read my original post. This was light-hearted, and there was the possibility that one of the people that I have given free games to in this community might give me a a game in exchange for this if it had value to them. I'm not a taker in this community, I'm active and I give.
- Bumping a thread after a day is not uncommon. I didn't keep bumping it over and over again, for days at a time. I gave it a day and tried again. This isn't bad etiquette. It's not even obnoxious or annoying. Not every in the community visits this site every day like I do.
- Calling my post egotistcal is an ad hominem attack, not asking someone to not back-seat moderate when that is what was done.
I'm done. I didn't intend to offend anybody. I just wanted to make some codes available to someone that might want them. I certainly don't want them. Sausages.