I hereby announce Xyem to be best Pony with 15 PonyPoints.
darknath and Skystrider tie for second best with 6 ponypoints.
And there's another tie for third best pony : wpegg and KneeTheCap scoring 4 ponypoints.
And here's the list of other important Ponies:
Monstamunch, Dischord and Gojays2025 earned 3 ponypoints each.
AnynimousGiftBot, Roman5, QC and Detlik with 2 ponypoints.
Orcishgamer,Stoicsentry,Bigs,Asbeau,AndrewC,Snyzer,Rodzaju,KiPhish All had a very special somepony who awarded them with 1 ponypoint.
Congratulations, you are the lucky Pony who wins a 5.99 game!
Pm me with your choiche.