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Hello fine people of GOG! I have a question to ask you guys.

For some reason, during the last few months, I've really had a problem of getting attached to any particular game. What I mean is this: I'll start up a game, and will play for, say, 30 minutes. I will then get bored (or frustrated) with that game and start a new one, only for the same thing to happen. My question is this: What can I do to get REALLY into a game, to where I can play it for hours at a time?
Post edited December 24, 2013 by IShoot4lolz
Sounds like gaming overload.
Either stop playing for a while or play one of your favourite games over and over and over...until you REALLY get the urge to play something else.
The only think I can suggest is: find a right game. One that fits your mood, that grabs you from the beginning and makes you want to go on to see what'll happen next.
I'd give you my personal recommendations, but those are games that worked for me - for you it can be something totally different...
(yes, it's The Cat Lady... and Deadly Premonition :) both cases: the protagonist made me want to progress - I simply grew to like Susan and York)
Post edited December 25, 2013 by Novotnus
No man, this happens to me all the everyday and, I think, as is with everything else, it's a matter of just the right timing.

I usually keep 30+ games on my OS and switch among them as the mood hits me. Every 'blue moon' one strikes me just right and I spend the next week or so doing nothing but thinking about and playing that game. The screwed up thing is sometimes it is a GREAT game like Settlers 2, Empire Earth, or Gothic, and sometimes it's a passable title like Lionheart or Knights & Merchants. You never know; enjoy what suits you at any given minute (or don't enjoy what doesn't suit you as the case may be) and don't worry about it. :D
Post edited December 25, 2013 by tinyE
It happens to me, too. A few months ago, that didn't happen me. Something is changing in me :S
Games are meant to distract and entertain, please try to just have fun while you still can, life has enough trials and tragedies ahead..

A good way to focus with a game is to keep only 1 to 3 at a time, or you will be tried to just switch over at the first challenge or bore..

As for anything, it is really a matter of mood, and this is hardly controlled with so many factors at play.. Anyway, wish you good fun!! :)
Post edited December 25, 2013 by koima57
Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I'll try to employ some of them :)
I would add that sometimes you have to work at being entertained. I know that might sound silly, and most of us work hard enough at everything else we just want to relax when we're entertained, but some of the greatest art requires effort on our part -- like reading Shakespeare or appreciating opera.

For games this means maybe you put in 15 minutes a day for 3 weeks. If it hasn't caught on for you by that point, then the game probably isn't going to be your thing.

Other interesting idea: Stop when you're having fun. Earnest Hemingway used to stop writing when he felt things were going well and the words were flowing from his pen. This encouraged him to come back. So maybe the same thing holds true with games...if you get to a part you're really enjoying, stop part way through and play the rest tomorrow. You'll savor the experience more.
Buy Lone Survivor, then turn of all the lights, and start playing. You'll be glued to the screen for weeks .
Too many games available and too much gaming. Solution: keep only a few installed and play when you feel relaxed and don't overdo the time. I'm also under the impression that quick gaming session is an immersion killer as well but it's entirely individual so you'll have to find your own pace. I try to make sure I've at least 2 hours ahead otherwise I don't feel relaxed enough if I have to rush to play in that small time window.
As I get older I find this happening to me more and more. My advice is to grow younger.
In my experience, games that don't make me immersed usually are games I don't particularly like or they are not fun.
Post edited December 25, 2013 by elendiel7
it tends to be more like that for me when im down...
IShoot4lolz: Hello fine people of GOG! I have a question to ask you guys.

For some reason, during the last few months, I've really had a problem of getting attached to any particular game. What I mean is this: I'll start up a game, and will play for, say, 30 minutes. I will then get bored (or frustrated) with that game and start a new one, only for the same thing to happen. My question is this: What can I do to get REALLY into a game, to where I can play it for hours at a time?
Play different games.
Novotnus: yes, it's The Cat Lady...
Nov, are you trying to muscle in on Licurg's shtick? : P
tinyE: Every 'blue moon' one strikes me just right
That was tough love Tiny, tough love.
Licurg: Buy Lone Survivor, then turn of all the lights, and start playing.
Do you know the Dev released an update? If you have an old copy you get the update free.