nathaniel11686: i still play bf1942
HereForTheBeer: You must be the one player I saw on the servers ; p
This is what sucks about games with an online focus. Great titles, still perfectly playable and moddable, but they just don't have much value as single-player unless one can find AI mods. Let's face it, the BF1942 bot AI is quite weak, even at 100%, and most of that was simply turning them into sharpshooters with eagle eyes.
true the bot ai sucks for bf1942, and bf 2 and bf 2142, but for bf2, there is a mod for bf2 thats called pr, pr stands for project reality. the ai is outstanding, people come togeather in a co op game, and trys to win the battle, the ai gives a good fight, and makes you think about your nexed move.