Stiler: Yes, you should be able to pay for it instantly, as long as you have the money in your bank account to cover it that is, and it's set to your main funding source/first one.
As far as credit cards go, you should be able to get a debit card from your bank which is tied to your checking account aad it works the same as a credit card and can be used in place of them online/in stores, etc.
chautemoc: Hm, yeah its set up that way..I did before so I dont know if its specific to GOG or what..! Perhaps I will inquire with Paypal.
Thats very useful information! Thanks a bunch! :)
Actually, to do an instant payment from your bank account, Paypal still requires you to have a credit card attached to your account as a backup funding source. The reason for this is that Paypal is not able to instantly take money out of your bank account, since there's no online equivalent to Interac.
Just like using e-cheques or the standard sending money to Paypal method, it takes time for online bank account transactions to take place. Paypal can't even immediately find out if you even have the funds to pay for whatever you're getting. So, their solution is to use your credit card as collateral in case you don't have enough on your bank account. It's only considered "instant", because of the convenience of allowing you to get something now with funds that will be getting to them later. Not enough on your bank account, and they just charge your credit card instead. No credit card, no "instant" payments allowed.