Darkcloud: Oh and your link is kind of broken there is something wrong with gog had to fight with my url as well....
eh, nevermind then. tried to link the first couple results I had in my history for nazi jokes but it isn't really important.
(was kidding anyway(re the not montypython video). its just how our media here tends to portray germans for some reason. mostly this one"against being German because you say all Germans are (still) Nazis" although that more includes white brazillians than germany I guess. kinda depends on who's directing.
Like in diehard. But don't worry aside from "born lawful evil" germans in american media might also be mad scientists, or the secret scientists america kidnapped after wwii and used against the russians. So at least germans are smart. Besides only
most germans kick puppies and eat babies. Some are so effeminate they're basically gay(except not gay) and obsessed with raves(they're the nice ones).
Other than that though there really aren't many other modern day germans in our tv/movies.
And all we know about your country irl is that they hate blood and wolfenstein 3d but love beer and chocolate. also we think you're landlocked but might not be entirely sure :)
still you got off better than japan. they're either batshit prewar or goofy childlike comic relief after we blew them up. sometimes they're scary creeper stalker types. thats it for japan. Also they're all ninja and pilot giant fighting robots(well even racist stuff can have
[url=http://www.geekosystem.com/japanese-robot-kuratas/]truth). america depicts asains generally much like europe depicts elves/the fair folk. they look like us but their minds are completely alien and they probably have more of an orange/blue morality instead of black/white... Germans are just evil humans but at least they're human.
Its like how when our movies show the spanish civilwar the communists are always the pure orphan feeding good guys even though they were really pretty horrible on both sides all the time during that.