ChickenHero: if i saw a gay couple walking around then i would pull out my axe and kill them to cleanse the world :P
WBGhiro: Oh good to know you don't hate gay people or anything :P
Killing them because their gay isn't because i hate them, but because it ruins my immersion and i don't want anything to disturb that.
SLP2000: I think there should be an option at the beginning of the game (i.e. character creation) so the players could choose if their character is heterosexual or not. And then the game could depend on their choice.
Games should stay games. We have enough politics everywhere else.
Best comment in the thread.
Balazs: Now, being gay is completely accepted by society, but the fantasy games are set in a world, where the human parts of the world are based on the medieval times, and it wasn't accepted then. So yeah, it's gone too far.
EDIT: In games with a 21th century or later setting, I've got no problem with it, though.
Well it's still not fully accepted in this society (rightly so) but in fantasy games it was never accepted so i don't know why they would include it.
Your whole comment is invalid since i don't live in sweden.
Antimateria: Should they have the same rights as everyone else? Yes. Should women? Yes. Race? Yes also.
This is debatable, i wouldn't want to see gay people kissing each other whilst walking around skyrim it would ruin
my emersion and i would have to kill them to put it back to normal, Also the women thing is debatable since when did
you see women fighting as guards in medieval times? Most of the guards in oblivion are men.
kalirion: And how come you're not complaining about all the lesbianism and bisexual women in games?
I said 'gay' which meant both male and female relationships.