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I'm sure I saw a thread like this somewhere, but the search function didn't provide any answers. So, because I'm a simpleton, I'll just make a new one.

Do you have any stuff related to games/gaming? Like books, posters, figurines and stuff like that?

I myself have only two Mass Effect figurines and one for Metal Gear Solid.

Oh, and a couple of Dragon Age books :)
I have the 3 Myst books (they are pretty good actually), but apart from that I've bought no special gaming-related books, figurines or other stuff that I've bought on their own. I have the small pewter figurine that came with the Morrowind collector's edition (the price difference between CE & Normal was almost non-existing, so I decided to get it back in the days).
The junk I got from the Collector's Editions of both Witcher games (I've got three Witcher books as well, if you count those), a big old Pikachu plush toy from my childhood, two Angry Birds plushies I got as presents, and Mario and Luigi plushies I got from a Gamestop discount basket. A few of my clothes carry a symbol of one game or another. I've also got a few game-themed cloth patches on my student overalls, but who doesn't?
Post edited October 01, 2013 by AlKim
I have a lead Lara Croft figurine.
Post edited October 01, 2013 by tinyE
I've got dozens of Discworld books, even though the games are based on the books, the first game was what introduced me to the Discworld universe and led me to start reading that amazing series of books.
A few things I kept...

A cotton map from Ultima 7. A paper map from Sword of the Samuraï. A poster from Aces of the Pacific. A series of maps of the WWI front sectors from Flying corps gold. A figurine, an artbook from Total War Medieval II. A book from Talonsoft's Gettysburg wargame. A miniature tank from I don't know anymore which WWII game. A few complete boxes ( box, manual, disks) : Secret Weapons of the luftwaffe, Tie Fighter, Apache Longbow, Civilization, Pirates, Great Naval Battles, Silent hunter, and a few others.
I assume you mean "acquired separately from the games themselves", rather than stuff included in the game package.

Darwinia poster
Darwinia soundtrack
Sam & Max Season 1 soundtrack
Sam & Max Season 2 soundtrack
Warcraft III strategy guide (all right, so this was actually included with the game, a friend bought the game and I got the included books)
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne strategy guide (see above, same package)
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade poster
Warcraft: The Sunwell trilogy
Warcraft: War of the Ancients Archive
Warcraft: Day of the Dragon
Warcraft: Lord of the Clans
Warcraft: The Last Guardian
Warcraft: Of Blood and Honor
Diablo: Legacy of Blood
Diablo: The Black Road
Diablo: The Kingdom of Shadow
Starcraft Archive
The Myst Reader

Then there's more that was included in various collector's or special editions. I'm particularly fond (not) of the Myst IV Collector's Edition - a partial deck of cards (32 cards and one joker rather than a full 52 and two jokers) and a handful very low-quality MP3 tracks (64kbit/s), oh and a handful low-quality, low-resolution videos in each of five different languages.
I know I've asked this before, does anyone still have their cloth map from NWN 1?
AlKim: A few of my clothes carry a symbol of one game or another. I've also got a few game-themed cloth patches on my student overalls, but who doesn't?
Me, oddly enough. I have plenty of badges on it, but not a single videogame-related one.
I have Fallout 3 Survival Edition (the one with Collector's Stuff and Pip-Boy), all the Ass-assins Creed Games (collector's edition), Battlefield 3 Dogtags and Poster and Hoodie and I preordered a BF4 Poster.
I have Baldur's Gate books but they sucked so badly, that this is when my "stuff based on games" thing started and ended.
Post edited October 01, 2013 by keeveek
tinyE: I know I've asked this before, does anyone still have their cloth map from NWN 1?
I didn't get one. I got a paper map, which I still have.
Post edited October 01, 2013 by Maighstir
I have the Gabriel Knight novelizations and also, god help me, the Baldur's Gate novelizations.

I have the Quest for Glory V Soundtrack/Demo, be nice if GOG could add that as extras. I also have the DreamWeb soundtrack too, and the "That's Death" single from Discworld 2: Missing Presumed...!?

I have a bunch of toy-erm, I mean, action figures from Resident Evil 1 and 2. I also have a Squall figure from Final Fantasy VIII.

I have a lot of posters, but most came with the games themselves (the Prisoner of Ice poster is probably my favorite of the bunch), I'm trying to think of stuff that I purchased separately though. I have a few Street Fighter posters, and one of those cardboard displays from video stores of the live action Mortal Kombat film. I have the first two Fatal Fury anime on DVD.
I've got a Sam Fisher figurine and a Lara Croft towel.
blakstar: I've got a Sam Fisher figurine and a Lara Croft towel.
If I had a Lara Croft towel it would be so ruined by now.