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Aliasalpha: You forgot to mention pretty
Wishbone: I think we've established that your avatar is NOT you ;-p

Ahh but I'm just as pretty, its just in a manly kind of way.
Elitism is far from confined to gaming, it applies over practically every facet of life whether its idiots having a sony/microsoft/nintendo flamewar, religion being the excuse for people to kill each other or me going on about how pretty I am.
When you're lucky you'll get a group of elitists who can at least behave in a relatively civilised manner but when you're unlucky you'll get fuckwads flying planes into buildings or posting on the NMA forums
In my personal subjective humble opinion... I see nothing wrong with elitism, people get passionate about what they enjoy. It's attitude, elitist or not, that causes issues amongst a group.
I put on my tophat and monocle.....
The Elite? Boy, I am the Elite!
Nah, kidding. I agree completely. I have played games in most of my life, and I consider myself a passionate gamer, but in the end; I play for fun. I don't need my games to be in any special way or genre; if it engages me, I play it. Some might call me a PC elitist, maybe I am. But I really don't really hate consoles anymore. I did once, true, but I grew up from that time. I do use the word "console-boy" now and then, but I don't really mean offence by it. I have never made the leap myself, because I grew up with keyboard and mouse, and HOTAS setups, besides, playing games from the couch just seems far too comfortable for me. All a matter of preference, and I love my PC.
Skystrider: The Elite? Boy, I am the Elite!

I never quite got to Elite, I only ever got to the second highest rank (deadly was it?). I was blasting thargoids left & right but then at some point I lost my save. I was so damned close...
Thats a game they could do a decent modern remake for, Elite! That'd rock on the xbox/ps3 as well as on the traditional platform, it had enough controls that you could shift into a menu or use with a shift toggle, the gameplay is classic, the achievements/trophies write themselves and the end result would be small enough to be downloaded in a few minutes
I tend to be an elitist gaming bastard but I can usually back up my claims about certain games being better than others in a coherent and diligent way. Of course, it depends on my mood and how much time I have to properly formulate an answer.
If I haven't played a game I tend to leave my opinion of it at the door until I have played it myself thus keeping in line with providing a cogent analysis of why the game in question is either good or bad.
JudasIscariot: I tend to be an elitist gaming bastard

JudasIscariot: I tend to be an elitist gaming bastard
Aliasalpha: gaming?

Hey, hey now ...I knew my father :P.
JudasIscariot: Hey, hey now ...I knew my father :P.

Socially or in the biblical sense?
Those who feel the need to participate in discussions about elitism are elistists
Post edited July 07, 2009 by LordCinnamon
Prator: Sometimes I feel like I'm the only gamer on the internet who just plays for fun and nothing else.
I don't understand the continual complaints about developers, or providers, or the relative merits of this game or that. I don't know why people lay hate on Steam, or on (insert game company here) or on this new sequel to that old classic, or why this change or that change to some IP or another is bad.
Why not just download, play, and be merry?

I 100% agree with you. So many internet forums and blogs are just full of people complaining the whole time. I think it's something about the internet that makes people release all their bitchiness. there is also some kind of "mob-mentallity effect" where is becomes cool to join in with everyone else and complain about whatever we are complaining about this week.
Geez, I'm British... we are permanently negative and expecting the worst... but even I have started to get really annoyed by it.
I've been playing games since a ZX spectrum and I can honestly say that in about 20 years of playing video games i've only had about 5 or 6 games that were actually BAD.
Sure, some games had bugs, some had flaws in certain areas, some weren't as good as i'd hyped them up to be... but almost all could be enjoyed.
Of those 5-6, 4 were spectrum games... (for example Airwolf, which was about 4 screens long, totally impossible, and which i never got past the 1st screen. ) Gamers these days don't seem to know how lucky they are, and how polished and easy the experiences these days are. No loading a game from a tape for 20 minutes only for it to crash at 99%. No messing with HIMEM and QUEMM and a different boot disk for each game. Patches that are delivered almost immediately... games in the old days rarely ever got patches, and if they did you had to wait for months for a magazine to have it on the floppy/cd.
yet throughout it i had fun.
In all that time, I only remember returning one game to the store (other than for hardware incompatibility.) Daggerfall. And I bought that game again a few years later and enjoyed it a lot.
Driv3r gets bitched about, and some of it's levels were insanely frustrating, yet i finished it and overall i enjoyed the experience... same goes for almost all the other games people like to moan about... they all have fun to be found.
If there is a flaw in the game, but the rest of it is good... ignore the flaw and enjoy the game!
and stop moaning...
Prator: Sometimes I feel like I'm the only gamer on the internet who just plays for fun and nothing else.
I don't understand the continual complaints about developers, or providers, or the relative merits of this game or that. I don't know why people lay hate on Steam, or on (insert game company here) or on this new sequel to that old classic, or why this change or that change to some IP or another is bad.
Why not just download, play, and be merry?
soulgrindr: I 100% agree with you. So many internet forums and blogs are just full of people complaining the whole time. I think it's something about the internet that makes people release all their bitchiness. there is also some kind of "mob-mentallity effect" where is becomes cool to join in with everyone else and complain about whatever we are complaining about this week.

I have a hypothesis which I call the Aliasalpha Civilised Behaviour Dynamic. The basics of the ACBD states that the level of twattishness displayed by a person is inversely proportional to the probability of them being smacked in the face for talking shit. The more removed from the possibility of punishment, the greater the level of twat like behaviour. Naturally the internet is a positive magnet for this problem.
LordCinnamon: Those who feel the need to participate in discussions about elitism are elistists

Uhh... and by commenting, you're doing what, exactly? :)
LordCinnamon: Those who feel the need to participate in discussions about elitism are elistists
LBartley: Uhh... and by commenting, you're doing what, exactly? :)

He's being a reverse elitist! :P