antibonk: Nah. I'm not going to pay a monthly fee to "rent" games. Plus it doesn't work with 64bit operating systems.
I will take a service like GoG, where you buy want you want, and it is yours to keep forever. Plus the games work on 64bit XP too.
soulgrindr: if the selection is good enough then its a good deal... i've rarely replayed a game i own, and i've bought several that i wished i hadn't. While there are some games that i'd like to own forever, i think the idea of paying a monthly fee and having access to a huge library of games has merit.
Though i get the sense Turner Corp never really supported GameTap, and its a bit tricky for them to keep up the flow of new titles...
Oh, I can understand that and how it can be useful to some people. For myself though, I like to go back and replay games in my collection from time to time, and I really don't need another monthly fee. For someone that likes to rent alot of games, it would be a good service to have I am sure.
It would have to be one huge collection of games for me to really consider using a service like gametap. Not really worth it when there is only a handful of games they have I would want to play, and it would be cheaper to just buy the ones I am interested in and be able to keep them. I am just one of those freaks that likes building up his game collection. I'm weird like that!