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Leroux: And Resonance, for obvious reasons. ;)
Starmaker: I have a huge backlog of games that I've bought on sale and never installed/played, but Resonance is NOT one of them. Hehe.
I've been wondering how you already did get to play it, were you one of the playtesters?
Post edited May 30, 2012 by Leroux
Leroux: I've been wondering how you already did get to play it, were you one of the playtestes?
Heh. Laughed out loud at that. Epic typo. :)

+1 for the belly laugh.
I'll stick to physical purchases because all these bundles have left so many odds and ends.

Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth
alpha centauri.
Oh there's a few, in addition of a number of games I've installed and removed again without playing. Once again, too many games! I'm only installing games now that I want to play right away or soonish. Most importantly, I don't want to clog up my HDD with games I'm not getting around to playing for months (or more).

cydexx: alpha centauri.
*gasp* Shame on you! =P
Starmaker: I have a huge backlog of games that I've bought on sale and never installed/played, but Resonance is NOT one of them. Hehe.
Leroux: I've been wondering how you already did get to play it, were you one of the playtesters?
No, i just was extremely lucky to pledge for the kickstarter in 2009.
I have several items in my backlog just here from GOG, but I'm confident I'll get around to them eventually. Every once in a while I open up my GOG folder and stare at all of the installers until I make a decision. I really probably ought to have a more organized system, now that I think about it...
Oh gawd!

Now I really wish I had a camera. lol

I've got games FROM THE 1990'S on my shelf STILL IN THE PLASTIC WRAP!

GOG??? heh, I've probably only installed about 5% of the games I own. if that. lol

But I'm gonna play 'em all I swear!!!!

Even those still shrinkwrapped games from the 90's!!!! Really, I will !!!!! I swear !!!!

ADDED IN EDIT: OT, LOL, I'm playing Fallout 3 right now, and the humor just gets me to giggling. I'm in the RobCo robot factory. In a bathroom. I open up the stall, and sitting on a stall is a kaput robot. So, I always like to look in the tall thing behind the bowl for hidden items, so I move the robot.... and underneath, in the bowl, is a pile of scrap metal. LOL. Robot took a crap and left a pile of scrap metal. I just couldn't stop giggling at that. I know, I'm weird. But I didn't make the game darn it.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by OldFatGuy
The dreadful Sherlock Holmes Mystery of the Mummy. Also those old sierra games without point & click interface but that's a matter of generation and native langage.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by koima57
OldFatGuy: OT, LOL, I'm playing Fallout 3 right now, and the humor just gets me to giggling. I'm in the RobCo robot factory. In a bathroom. I open up the stall, and sitting on a stall is a kaput robot. So, I always like to look in the tall thing behind the bowl for hidden items, so I move the robot.... and underneath, in the bowl, is a pile of scrap metal. LOL. Robot took a crap and left a pile of scrap metal. I just couldn't stop giggling at that. I know, I'm weird. But I didn't make the game darn it.
Ah, it's the simple little extra things in games. There's nothing at all wrong with having fun with it. I really love it when devs add completely unnecessary tidbits like that. Gotta have a little fun making those games, you know. ;)
Hum... Alan Wake, Alan Wake A.N, Crusader N.R (played the original) Crusader N.R (same), Syndicate (same), M&M VIII, Dungeon Keeper II (played the original), Farenheit (finished the original), Desperados (almost finished the original, but my computer crashed then), Freedom Force vs Third Reich (I guess I am waiting for the first one to appear here), J.A 2 games (played the original J.A 2), Freespace 2 (played the original), Freespace, Conquest of the new world, Lionheart. E.J 3D, Die by the sword, Kingpin, M.A.X+M.A.X2, F/A-18 E S.H, Shogo (played the original ), Invictus, Descent 3 + expansion (finished Descent 3), Descent 1 + 2 (played the originals), Shatered Steel, Stonekeep, Screamer, Castles (played the originals), E.J 1+2, Realms of the Haunting (finnished the original, want to finish this again when I have enough time), Moto Racer 2, Moto Racer 3, Aquanox2, Panzer Elite, Nations gold edition, Neighbours from Hell, Aquanox, Pinball G.E, Lords of Magic, Judge Dreen, Lords of the Realm, EE 2, EE3, Independence war 2, Alone in the Dark: The new nightmare (played the original on the Dreamcast, but I was not very fond of it), Independence War, Simon the sorcerer 2(played the original), Simon the sorcerer 3D, Waxworks, Febble Files, Personal Nightmare, Beyond Divinity, Divine Divinity, Simon the Sorcerer (finished the original), Kings Bounty, Blacke Stone games, Rise of the Triad (finished the original), Earth 20140, 20150, Jack Orlando, Septerra Core, Knights and Merchants..., Enclave, Two Worlds, Praetorians, Riven (finished the original), Myst (same), Manhole, Uru (played the original), Real Myst, Zork (saw playing the original), Another World (finished the origial both for Atari st and consoles), dream pinball 3d, Longest Journey (finishd the original, Broken Sword 3 (played the original) Broken Sword 2 (finished the original), Imperial Glory, Driver P.L, Panzer general 3d, Price of Persia SoT,Silent Hunter 2, Settlers 2.

Yes, so many games.... But I own 171 at this moment.
Are we only talking GOG games, or just games in general :P ?
Plenty. I've only truly finished 2 GOGs, and played several others but there's a larger "several" that still remains uninstalled (but at least they've been backed up). The reason is because other games seem to be a better choice to install. Also, because my taste in games wanes. Sometimes I want RPG, other times strategy or something that'll make me think and other times I just want to cruise around shooting at everything that moves.

Looking up at my shelf I'd say my oldest never installed game relative to the time I bought it would be.... *drumroll*...

Hostile Waters, Antaeus Rising, which isn't even being sold here anymore. Bought it on September 2, 2009.

Older than that, there's Beyond Good an Evil. I installed that one for a couple of minutes to check something and see if my DVD backup copy burnt all right, but then quickly uninstalled it. August 9, 2009.

I guess since neither of these is a specific genre I'm not really sure what I'm getting into, so I keep installing other games.
Atropels: Are we only talking GOG games, or just games in general :P ?
GoG and games in general. ^_^
OldFatGuy: LOL, I'm playing Fallout 3 right now, and the humor just gets me to giggling. I'm in the RobCo robot factory. In a bathroom. I open up the stall, and sitting on a stall is a kaput robot. So, I always like to look in the tall thing behind the bowl for hidden items, so I move the robot.... and underneath, in the bowl, is a pile of scrap metal. LOL. Robot took a crap and left a pile of scrap metal. I just couldn't stop giggling at that. I know, I'm weird. But I didn't make the game darn it.
Yeah I love little things like that. I think FO3 is just one of the best games on the planet. ^_^
Post edited May 30, 2012 by ginsengsamurai
For me they would be Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Police Quest: SWAT, Thief II, Thief III, and a copy of Company of Heroes I recently acquired.