Oh-Bollox: Every single Splinter Cell game. Can't work out what the fuss is about, quite frankly. Absolutely unplayable.
I absolutely agree. I could never complete this game no matter how hard I tried and I never understood the fuss about this game.
I remember reading some thread a long time ago about games that make you feel emotional and quite a few pointed out splinter cell. Apparently the cut-scene where the splinter-cell guy (whatever his name is) spoke to his daughter was touching.
I admit I cried while playing splinter cell but that was tears of bore.
Tephirax: Oh god, KOTOR, the best game with the worst first planet ever.
Good to know I am not the only one who thought the beginning of kotor sucked.
Fenixp: Yes... BOTH KOTORs had boring start :D They are exact opposite of Mass Effect :D
Really? I completed Mass Effect. I thought the starting of mass effect wasn't that great. Ok it wasn't as bad as taris but the game doesn't get awesome until you become a spectre.
They really should cut out the initial boring stuff from these RPG games.
For a long time, I could never get myself into Turn-based JRPG game. But I tried Lost Odyssey and I was hooked and I recently just bought fallout from gog. That damn game is addictive.
Oh and another game, that I couldn't get into was Freespace 2. I am a great big fan of space games and I actually bought a joystick to get into Freespace 2. But I didn't find it very appealing. But that was probably because I only recently completed freelancer.
I intend to buy Freespace 2 from gog at some point and give it another try.