Whitecroc: Don't bash WoW till you try it. I quit a short while back, and while it's true that the basic gameplay formula - kill stuff over and over without an ultimate goal - may seem numbing, it's more than capable of sucking you in and not letting you go.
It should be noted that after playing WoW, I have a hard time not rolling my eyes at single-player RPGs. WoW is filled with quests; most monsters in a given area will have some text and shinies attached to motivate the killing, but this incentive is either oddly absent in many games (say, FFXII, which I love anyway) or it's overly scripted (say, Dragon Age).
Trust me, WoW is a good game. It's not everyone's cup of tea (and I don't drink tea, or coffee, for that matter), but it's definitely possible to draw parallels to single-player gameplay design when you play it.
Oh I have tried, actually several times. And the more I try the more horrible it is. I'll take a scripted, not-so-repetitive RPG any time, since the 'motivator' that makes you kill stuff is idiotic in it's roots - you have to bring someone something that drops from dead monsters usually, as all of the one bizilion people before you did. It's weird how everyone in the world seems to be in distress even thou their trouble's resolved over and over and over again, as the world is full of heroes. Which ironically leads to dead world, which every MMORPG seems to have - there are few NPCs, plenty of monsters and even more players.
And the gameplay of fights ain't that good either, you basically use all your skills at whatever you bash over it's head and hope it dies. Even Diablo games were more fun.
Whitecroc: To this day, however, I feel this game is a perfect example of why adventure games died out, and why they should stay dead.
Have you tried The Longest Journey and it's sequel, Dreamfall? Granted, there is one or two illogical puzzles involved, but the rest either makes sense or is not puzzle at all. Saying that the only genre that actually focuses on good story should stay dead isn't the best thing to say, in my opinion. You should rather think 'Adventure games should be more polished.' They have some game design issues that are usually not resolved even in today's games, but still, they work great as interactive fiction, and that is the way I actually approach them. You are right about them not basically having gameplay thou, not that I actually care about that since I'm playing...walking trough them for story.