Michagogi23: Lost Crown, Return to Mysterious Island, Stalker Clear Sky, Desperados 2, Destination Treasure Island, Dracula 3, Nostradamus, Secreats of Da Vinci, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider Underworld, Empire Total War, Rise of the Argonauts, Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty World at War, Warhammer Dawn of War 2, Ceville, Perry Rhodan, HAWX, Book of Unwritten Tales, Zeno Clash, Casebook Episodes 0-3, FEAR 2, Downfall, Sherlock HOlmes vs Jack the Ripper, Tales of Monkey Island, Prototype, Tex Murphy games, Overlord 2, Call of Juarez 2, Ghostbusters, Divinity 2, Whispered World, Wolfenstein, Resident Evil 5, Drawn, Batman Arkham Asylum, Black Mirror 2, MAchinarium, Risen, Dragon Age, Sanitarium, Stalker Call of Pripyat, Modern Warfare 2
do i win?
haha. nah. man. you probably aren't in top five :) check the first page. good try tough. and good luck with 2010.
bansama: Mirror's Edge. Several times.
how come you had never posted here again? :(
The list finally is up to date. Apologies for taking so long to update it.
Please keep posting games you finish through Christmas and new years.
In mid of January after all or at least most of you post the games you finished through last days of December, i would like to 'close' the thread and gather all the data aka how many people, how many games, top most popular games etc.
and then maybe open new thread for 2010
edit: btw. if i missed something check your name on the list on front page and let me know kay?