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I just Finish Myst Uru
Done a few more
Tales Of Monkey Island Episode 2: The Siege Of Spinner Cay
Killzone 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Fallout 3 (With Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Broken Steel & Mothership Zeta)
Half tempted to list The War Games since a 10 part Dr Who story lasts a lot longer than many modern games...
Just finished....
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel on the PC.
Made my way through The Light Campaign (side), for those who are curious...
here's mine :
HL² and its two episodes
The Chronicles of Riddick : Escape From Butcher Bay
The Witcher Enhanced Edition
Serious Sam : First Encounter
Mirror's Edge
maybe some others but i can't remember...
next, i hope to finish Mass Effect.
Post edited September 26, 2009 by xa_chan
GTA 4. They say it lags like hell on the PC, but it was fine. On medium.
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
also my last post (Rainbow Six Vegas and Guitar Hero Metallica) wasn't added to my list
Not too long ago, I beat Psychonauts, EarthBound,and Metroid Prime Trilogy .
Soldier of Fortune, Call of Duty 2 (Veteran, full 1,000) Call of Duty 4 (Veteran, full 1,000), Call of Duty WaW (full, on disc 1,000), GTA IV: The Lost and Damned (100%, full 250), Rock Band 2, Ghostbusters (Hard mode), Bioshock, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Midnight Club: LA, Skate 2 (full 1500), Assassin's Creed, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Shadow Complex (full 200), Wolfenstein 3D (XBLA, full 200), and Braid.
On a side note, I've yet to finish any game I've bought on GOG. They're all very lengthy, and I'm playing them on and off.
Post edited September 27, 2009 by TrIp13G
Since last time; more completed titles:
HoMM2, The Pandora Directive, MDK1, Expendable
But I'm on certain rpgs now, so probably nothing for a while.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I've been neglecting this thread, so I'm going to try to list all of the ones that I can remember.
Alpha Prime, Ben There Dan That, Beneath a Steel Sky, Braid, Call of Duty: World at War, Caster (x4), Chains, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (again), The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Colin McRae Rally 2005, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, The Curse of Monkey Island, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Dawn of War: Soulstorm, Diablo II (again), Diablo II - Lord of Destruction (again), Duke Nukem 3D, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, Freespace, Freespace 2, Frontlines: Fuel of War, Ghost Recon (again), Ghost Recon Desert Siege, Ghost Recon Island Thunder, Giants - Citizen Kabuto, Half-Life Source (again), Half-Life 2 (again), Half-Life 2 Episode One (again), Half-Life 2 Episode Two (again), Half-Life 2 Lost Coast (again), Heretic, Hexen, Hexen Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, Hexen 2, Indigo Prophecy (again, to play it when the events in game transpired), Larva Mortus, Left 4 Dead (again), Lost Planet, Mass Effect, MDK, Mevo & the Grooveriders, Mirror's Edge (x2), Monster Trucks Nitro, Obulis, The Path, Penumbra Overture, Penumbra Black Plague, Penumbra Requiem, Portal (again), Project Aftermath, Quake 2 (again), Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Saints Row 2, The Secret of Monkey Island: SE, Shadowgrounds, Splinter Cell (again), Star Wars Empire at War, Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption, Teenagent, Titan Quest, Titan Quest Immortal Throne, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Unreal Tournament 3, Wolfenstein, World of Goo, and Zeno Clash.
Admittedly, many of these were carryovers from last year in which I had saves near the end.

Wow. Do you do anything else? ;-)
For me:
Painkiller + Battle out of Hell
soulgrindr: Wow. Do you do anything else? ;-)
For me:
Painkiller + Battle out of Hell

I wasn't able to obtain a job this summer, so other than doing the odd job here and there and hanging out with my friends, no, I didn't really. =P
Just finished Knights of the old republic one hell of a good rpg sigh now i want more hehe.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I wasn't able to obtain a job this summer, so other than doing the odd job here and there and hanging out with my friends, no, I didn't really. =P

Hehe, with your list don't expect Lukaszthegreat to update anytime soon.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I wasn't able to obtain a job this summer, so other than doing the odd job here and there and hanging out with my friends, no, I didn't really. =P
Cambrey: Hehe, with your list don't expect Lukaszthegreat to update anytime soon.

im here. Just need time to sit and properly update the list. do not doubt me young one :) i shall accomplish this task before the end of next week :)
PoSS: what's Caster (x4)... is x4 a part of the name?
Post edited September 30, 2009 by lukaszthegreat
Aliasalpha: Done a few more
Tales Of Monkey Island Episode 2: The Siege Of Spinner Cay
Killzone 2
Batman Arkham Asylum
Fallout 3 (With Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Broken Steel & Mothership Zeta)
Half tempted to list The War Games since a 10 part Dr Who story lasts a lot longer than many modern games...

So... what system did you play Fallout 3 on, how much did you pay for the DLC, and should I get them all and play 'em?