Updated: December 26, 2009
Lugaru-Fun anthropomorphic Rabbit on Wolf kung-fu action
World of Goo-A charming and challenging experience.
Super Mario Galaxy-Finally. Twas okay. I still think Mario is an annoying character.
Aquaria-Beautiful visuals and exploration marred lame combat and ridiculously cheap bosses.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-Awesome, realistic, open world shooter but occasionally buggy.
Braid-Time travel puzzles and beautiful aesthetic make this a must play.
Doom-Fun, but I hate when games end with text.
Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebees-Slightly disappointing, but still fun.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent-First Splinter Cell game that actually was interesting.
Indigo Prophecy-Amazing storytelling, powerful mood, simple design.
Teenagent-Funny and quirky but the puzzles were awful.
Zeno Clash-Everything fells off about this game...including combat.
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold-Great classic shooter, loved visual style.
Blake Stone: Planet Strike-A poor man's Doom ripoff.
Painkiller: Black-Great weapons/shooting but mediocre level designs/horrible cutscenes.
Sacrifice-Perfect blend of RTS & RPG without all the annoying number crunching.
Duke Nukem 3D-Great until the 4th chapter which was awful.
Giants: Citizen Kabuto-Consistently hilarious. Gameplay switches up enough to feel fresh.
Tales of Monkey Island Season 1-Goes from good, to mediocre to great. Story alone makes it worth playing.
Prey-Too much handholding. The gravity stuff was cool but not enough to keep it from being another generic shooter.
Trine-I felt like all the challenge was based in fighting the horribly bad physics. One of the poorest indie offerings I've ever played.
Machinarium-This is one of the finest, most minimalistic and satisfying adventure games I've played.
X-COM: UFO Defense/Enemy Unknown-Part simulation, part turned based tactics, all amazing.
Batman: Arkham Asylum-Great in just about every way. Too bad PC controls suck.
Mass Effect-Loved the story but the combat was awful.
Deus Ex-Hey, Metroid Prime, Imma let you finish, but Deus Ex is the Citizen Kane of gaming.
Secret of Monkey Island, The-This game has a three headed monkey thus it is among the greatest games ever.
Post edited December 26, 2009 by lotr-sam0711