Ralackk: Managed A Vampyre Story
Aliasalpha: How was the full game? The demo was okay but just felt a bit lacking and since I'm not sure on the length of the game, I can't really divert funds to buy it
It took me about 14 hours to complete in total without any outside help. The visuals are wonderful for an adventure game. The puzzles I thought were good and nothing insanely obscure, mostly logical.
Where A Vampyre Story fails badly is the comedic writing. I nearly quit a little before half way because although it has a couple amusing parts and the rest is painfully bad puns.
This is not to mention the fact the game still has a memory leak which means it suffers from slowing down which you need to exit the game and restart it to fix. Also because of this same memory leak the movies can mess up from repeating a couple times to not playing properly at all. I had to backtrack from an earlier save a couple times to get to the point just before the movie, save, exit, restart the game and then watch the movie.
I have a few personal nitpicks on top of all this including mona's damn annoying voice but that could of been turned off so not really a problem.
Overall I enjoyed the puzzle solving portion of the game but probably would not have bought it had I known it was full of so many painfully poor puns.