lukaszthegreat: not sure. what's the verdict?
@Ois. Before i put freecell on the list i need some proof that you finished all 1mln games :)
Ois: Back in my day, a man could of claimed on the internet to of finished 1000000 games of the cell that is free. Now-a-days, all these darn kids on my lawn want proof! Proof I tell yers!
I had to leave #8097 till last, t'was a toughy! :D
Sorry, I haven't finished a single game this year and probably not even last year.
Maybe this year I'll get to the end of Fallout (this run), Fallout 2 (doubt it) and Half-Life 2.
I've played HL2 about a half a year at least and I just got out of Ravenholm. I think I might get to finish it before the end of the year...
Yeah, I don't have much time to play games, so what! I can always dream of playing if nothing else. Well YOU go get yourself a family with litlle children and a permament job to boot and we'll see how much YOU play! :P