dreadcog: LOL
Lucas Arts Adventures.....That was easy.
ElPixelIlustre: You actually kill a few people in both Indiana Jones games and kill Lechuk in Monkey Islands (though he always resurrects).
what about Grim Fandango?
Syberia 2 or one. one of them featured death and it is your fault. the other one doesn't.
Fallout 2. possible to finish the game without killing anyone/anything (and without your NPC killing anyone either) although one person will die because of your actions! (not possible tough if you don't know the game.)
what about planescape torment? did you have to kill anyone? the last boss as well as the angel. you could avoid fighting them.
Teenagent :)
Theme Hospital (i think it is possible to not kill anyone but i have never done it :) )
Deus ex? You had a stun rod and atm i don't remember anyone who had to be killed for game to progress
any multiplayer game: you just let others kill you.
what about story mod of X2. did it involve killing anyone? You could force enemies to leave the ships (and then you could run the over with your ship or be more humane and enslave them :) )
Wet the sexy empire: make love not war!
Capitalism 2 and other economic strategies
I believe Alpha centauri when playing as gaia faction. Probably very hard but might be possible.
does killing undead and hell spawns counts as actually killing?
cause diablo 1 would count as a game without a single death!
im out of ideas atm. will add something later.