Wow quite a selection. I guess the definition of
dark is highly subjecitve. Another dark game that came to my mind is Kingpin. At least it was marked as being overly dark and violent but in the end all that really stood out were the excellent graphics and the suprisingly decent multiplayer.
Licurg: - Legacy of Kain series
I always wrote off Legacy of Kain as being
console stuff. Does it take itself serious then? Hmm I wonder why the first entry to the series is not available on gog. I'm not confident with jumping into the middle of things.
Never played Manhunt but does it feature more then violence and general wrongness?
Azilut: I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream.
This sounds quite like the thing that could hit my
darkness nerve. Will definitly check it out.
djranis: the witcher series ... and old school games planescape torment and baldurs gate 2
I bought the witcher 1 back when the enhanced edition hit the shelves but it didn't hook me enough so I haven't 'found the time' to go back to this. I heard the second installment is quite good but then again I'm not starting the series on part two.
I've played planescape and all baldurs gates of course... Good call nevertheless I should dedicate some time to another planescape run.
This is where subjectivity comes into play. I'm generally not able to play horror games. I forced myself to Doom 3 once but that's how far it goes. It's quite a shame as I really like the setting of both system shocks but I absolutely loathe randomly spawning enemies behind me regardless of how careful I play...
Dark Souls / Demon's Souls
I checked MobyGames for this one...
console stuff again... Do this games even feature some kind of story?
Eternal Darkness / Lovecraftian Stuff
This hits the nail on its head. If I would be more eloquent I would have asked for Lovecraftian games instead. Didn't know Eternal Darkness. Will check it out.
Blackwell Series
Bought them already... Good to know that they are considered to be dark.
The Suffering
Never heard of it. Will have a look.
I just played the first one back in the days. Apart from being dark and serious it was mainly really really difficult.
The original Postal
Only know Postal 2. I fear Postal doesn't take itself serious enough to really count as dark in my opinion. That's no bad thing though. I liked Postal 2 a lot.
Spec Ops - The Line
Really? Modern military 3D-Shooter is as anti-dark as it gets...
Max Payne
Done. ;)
I've already tried twice to get into it's setting. For some reason I can't take steampunk very serious. All the Zeppelins and Valves kill the immersion for me. Will try Arcanum a third time...
Played the Demo back in the time. Didn't get it back then. Will try it soon.
Thanks guys for your suggestions. I guess I overlooked quite some decent entries into the
darkness genre. :)