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What would i buy if i liked RPG's?
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MysterD: Deus Ex

I heard a lot of good things about this game, but what features does it have?
Fenixp: Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - STOP "You stop!" STOP "No, you stop!" STOP "You've made a powerful enemy today." - yeah, playing crazy malkavian who can talk to STOP sign

What, where, huh? Thats crazy talk! But that just makes me wanna play it even more!
Aliasalpha: Ahh the malk playtrhrough, definitely not one for the first run or you'll have no fucking idea whats going on but arguing with a stop sign and traffic lights, convincing a russian mobster that he's a bear and that his thugs are tasty salmon & the interesting way you affect Heather as you go... That some classic stuff. Also whilst it is a buggy game in parts, its got community/volunteer dev patches galore, most than any other game I've seen

Can i be sure this is a vampire game? Sounds Monty-python'ish (which is a good thing hehe)
Post edited July 05, 2009 by nicolaierdk
MysterD: Deus Ex
nicolaierdk: I heard a lot of good things about this game, but what features does it have?
Fenixp: Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - STOP "You stop!" STOP "No, you stop!" STOP "You've made a powerful enemy today." - yeah, playing crazy malkavian who can talk to STOP sign

What, where, huh? Thats crazy talk! But that just makes me wanna play it even more!
Aliasalpha: Ahh the malk playtrhrough, definitely not one for the first run or you'll have no fucking idea whats going on but arguing with a stop sign and traffic lights, convincing a russian mobster that he's a bear and that his thugs are tasty salmon & the interesting way you affect Heather as you go... That some classic stuff. Also whilst it is a buggy game in parts, its got community/volunteer dev patches galore, most than any other game I've seen

Can i be sure this is a vampire game? Sounds Monty-python'ish (which is a good thing hehe)

Deus Ex has an interesting skill system that I have yet to see in any other game. If you are not skilled in a particular weapon class you will either not be able to use the said weapon or you will MISS with that weapon even if you have the crosshairs aimed at your target's center mass. As you gain more skill you will notice you hit more often with the aforementioned weapon.
The game features many ways to approach a problem. For example, in the second mission of the game you have a locked door that requires a combination to be entered in order to gain entry. You can either try to lock pick it, hack the lock, or talk to this one kid who happens to be hanging around the place. If you give him a chocolate bar he will give you the code. Basically, the game gives you many ways to find your own solution to any problems you may enounter.
The story in the game is quite interesting. Imagine if all those conspiracy theories about Area-51, the Majestic 12, and other related ideas were actually true and you had tolive in that world. That, in a nutshell, is Deus Ex.
Concerning Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines, no it is not a Monty Python game. The Malkavian clan being referred to in this thread is, quite simply, incurably insane in the game. The reason people keep referring to them is because the writers had more of a chance to go all out, without any boundaries, on their conversation as opposed to the other clans who either despise or fear the Malkavians. The game is quite gritty and mature without gratuitous sex in the game like one would expect in a GTA game. In this game, you also have some freedom as to how you wish to accomplish your given tasks and get rewarded not by how much you kill but by how well you solve quests and the like and for fully exploring the game world. There are a few hidden quests in the game that are quite interesting and add to the flavor of the game. Tip: when in Hollywood, stop by the cemetery for a chat with the cemetery's keeper...
JudasIscariot: There are a few hidden quests in the game that are quite interesting and add to the flavor of the game. Tip: when in Hollywood, stop by the cemetery for a chat with the cemetery's keeper...

Especially if your character happens to be female with a moderate or better charisma
The malkavian vampires are all a little nuts, the normal ones have only a few weird tendencies, obssesive compulsive disorder and similar but the one you have the option to play, she's a tweaked one. Lets just say that other malkavians say that you're crazy. There's some good creepy to come out of it when you're watching the TV news as well
JudasIscariot: There are a few hidden quests in the game that are quite interesting and add to the flavor of the game. Tip: when in Hollywood, stop by the cemetery for a chat with the cemetery's keeper...
Aliasalpha: Especially if your character happens to be female with a moderate or better charisma
The malkavian vampires are all a little nuts, the normal ones have only a few weird tendencies, obssesive compulsive disorder and similar but the one you have the option to play, she's a tweaked one. Lets just say that other malkavians say that you're crazy. There's some good creepy to come out of it when you're watching the TV news as well

Would it be safe to say that the Malkavians are so insane that they make the Internet People you see on youtube and other related sites seem like relatively normal folks?
JudasIscariot: Deus Ex has an interesting skill system that I have yet to see in any other game. If you are not skilled in a particular weapon class you will either not be able to use the said weapon or you will MISS with that weapon even if you have the crosshairs aimed at your target's center mass. As you gain more skill you will notice you hit more often with the aforementioned weapon.
The game features many ways to approach a problem. For example, in the second mission of the game you have a locked door that requires a combination to be entered in order to gain entry. You can either try to lock pick it, hack the lock, or talk to this one kid who happens to be hanging around the place. If you give him a chocolate bar he will give you the code. Basically, the game gives you many ways to find your own solution to any problems you may enounter.
The story in the game is quite interesting. Imagine if all those conspiracy theories about Area-51, the Majestic 12, and other related ideas were actually true and you had tolive in that world. That, in a nutshell, is Deus Ex.

So, is it possible to complete the game without killing anybody?
I would always like to see that in a game!
About the skill system, its not like oblivion with a gazillion different skills to level up, with major, lesser and such?
Post edited July 05, 2009 by nicolaierdk
Two Worlds
acare84: Two Worlds

Installed it, saw the human models. went to a corner and cried myself to sleep...
(no offence meant)
JudasIscariot: Deus Ex has an interesting skill system that I have yet to see in any other game. If you are not skilled in a particular weapon class you will either not be able to use the said weapon or you will MISS with that weapon even if you have the crosshairs aimed at your target's center mass. As you gain more skill you will notice you hit more often with the aforementioned weapon.
The game features many ways to approach a problem. For example, in the second mission of the game you have a locked door that requires a combination to be entered in order to gain entry. You can either try to lock pick it, hack the lock, or talk to this one kid who happens to be hanging around the place. If you give him a chocolate bar he will give you the code. Basically, the game gives you many ways to find your own solution to any problems you may enounter.
The story in the game is quite interesting. Imagine if all those conspiracy theories about Area-51, the Majestic 12, and other related ideas were actually true and you had tolive in that world. That, in a nutshell, is Deus Ex.
nicolaierdk: So, is it possible to complete the game without killing anybody?
I would always like to see that in a game!
About the skill system, its not like oblivion with a gazillion different skills to level up, with major, lesser and such?

The skill system is pretty straightforward. You have about a dozen skills (not all of which are useful) with four ranks each. You gain skill points as you go through the game completing objectives and such.
I don't think you can finish the entire game without ANY hostile conflict, as there are a few scripted encounters, but you can avoid most enemies. You have nonlethal weapons like riot prods and tranquilizers at your disposal, so as far as I know you can finish the game without ever killing anyone, though as you might expect it's more difficult that way.
Post edited July 05, 2009 by Mentalepsy
nicolaierdk: So, is it possible to complete the game without killing anybody?
I would always like to see that in a game!
About the skill system, its not like oblivion with a gazillion different skills to level up, with major, lesser and such?
Mentalepsy: The skill system is pretty straightforward. You have about a dozen skills (not all of which are useful) with four ranks each. You gain skill points as you go through the game completing objectives and such.
I don't think you can finish the entire game without ANY hostile conflict, as there are a few scripted encounters, but you can avoid most enemies. You have nonlethal weapons like riot prods and tranquilizers at your disposal, so as far as I know you can finish the game without ever killing anyone, though as you might expect it's more difficult that way.

But is there any advantages to this? like upgrades or just the way skills increase?
Mentalepsy: The skill system is pretty straightforward. You have about a dozen skills (not all of which are useful) with four ranks each. You gain skill points as you go through the game completing objectives and such.
I don't think you can finish the entire game without ANY hostile conflict, as there are a few scripted encounters, but you can avoid most enemies. You have nonlethal weapons like riot prods and tranquilizers at your disposal, so as far as I know you can finish the game without ever killing anyone, though as you might expect it's more difficult that way.
nicolaierdk: But is there any advantages to this? like upgrades or just the way skills increase?

Advantages to playing non-lethally?
nicolaierdk: But is there any advantages to this? like upgrades or just the way skills increase?
Mentalepsy: Advantages to playing non-lethally?

yes, and vica versa.
Mentalepsy: Advantages to playing non-lethally?
nicolaierdk: yes, and vica versa.

You get lots of those in Deus Ex :-P I doubt you do in Bloodlines thou...
Be warned, thou: Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines IS a very flawed game.
Agreed it is flawed. I haven't played it since version 3.x and they're now up to 6 but the community patches seemed to do more harm than good. Admittedly the main reason I say that is that they added the single biggest game ruining event for me, the kuei jin temple having infinitely respawning guards, who the FUCK thought that'd be a good idea??
That said, the game is nothing short of fantastic, a veritable diamond in the rough and if you save regularly and can put up with the annoying niggles you'll get a hell of a good game. Its not many games I finish more than 10 times.
Oh yeah, and absolutely NO chance of getting through Bloodlines without killing. Plenty of times you can avoid guards but there's certain spots where only incredible violence will suffice.
Post edited July 05, 2009 by Aliasalpha
fallout 2, fallout 2, fallout 2, oh yeah, and don't forget fallout 2.
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Really great rpg, especially with the unofficial patches and highres patch. It's up there with Fallout.
The only thing bad about it is the walking sound, luckily you can turn this off.
You can get it here
A low price as well for such an old and rare game.
Post edited July 05, 2009 by Epsilon