Judas was awesome to post the list, and I'll be awesome to add personal opinions to it, read: Whine, praise and bash!
JudasIscariot: JudasIscariot's Big Ol' List of Them There RPGs:
The Witcher - Great story and characters, it is more of an adventure game than RPG thou. Yes, you do level up, fight, but most of the time you run around and do stuff, talk to someone - dialogues are great and story brilliant thou, so I can't really call it a flaw. Oh, and game's not really that open, either - actually, as much as Mass Effect or KOTOR games (that means you basically can choose just to whom you're going to talk in what order and which answers are you going to choose. Oh, and, of course, you can choose to do and not to do quests :D )
Well, thumbs up for one of the best characters in computer games ever and a very good story, that's what made the game memorable in my book.
Deus Ex - Classic. It's something between RPG and FPS with great story and writing, good characters... You can basically expect FPS with huge emphasis on RPG elements, with lots of talking (for an FPS, anyway :D ) and great ammount of freedom and exploration. Fantastic setting and memorable locations make it even better.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - STOP "You stop!" STOP "No, you stop!" STOP "You've made a powerful enemy today." - yeah, playing crazy malkavian who can talk to STOP sign is just one of vast ammount of possibilities this game offers. Sure, it's not as open as, say, Fallout and has many flaws, but that doesn't make it a bad game. I know I repeat myself, but this game has extraordinary writing as well, not to mention playing any of various vapire 'races' makes gameplay different. Huge emphasis on dialogues (again), multiple ways to solve most problems, must-have.
The first two Gothics and the expansion for the second one. - meh, I actually hated those. Not that they're bad games, not at all, I just couldn't get into them. Maybe it was because of - at least for me - high difficulty (I hate the nature crowded by monsters), maybe because of a bit weird control scheme and levelling system... Well, someone else will have to write some praise about this particular gem I'm afraid :D
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and all expansions. - Oh now that's more like it. Do you want open world so you can do whatever you want? Morrowind (..Or Fallouts, for that matter :D) is for you. I can't really write much, because it'd be a lengty review. Just... Trust me on this one, ok? When you buy Morrowind, you don't get a game - you get an artificial life. There's a reason it's called offline MMORPG. (and yes, I HATE MMORPGs :D ). Also, ammount of downloadable plug-ins make this game soo much longer and more worth your money. (I DID play Morrowind for 'bout year and half of my life :D )
The entire Baldur's Gate series - Didn't like those either I'm afraid. Characters felt too flat for me. If you look for dungeon crawler with bigger emphasis on story and characters, I'd say it's a game for you. If you look for character interaction, story itself and stuff... Better get Planescape Torment.
The entire Neverwinter Nights series. - very good games. I'd say pretty similar to BG, but you don't really control a party. I've played them long time ago thou, so I don't really remember much :-/
The entire Neverwinter Nights 2 series. -never played those.
Arx Fatalis - oh, this piece is unique. It's like a dungeon for dungeon haters :D (I dislike dungeons, yes). Whole game takes place in caverns underground, pretty good setting for a great atmosphere. The game has unique magic system, which I loved, engaging story (not so great thou), and it's fun. Lots of fun, actually.
Ultima Underworld 1+2 - dunno
Ultima 6 and 7 with all add-ons(Silver Seed, The Forge of Virtue, and Serpent Isle) - dunno dunno :D
System Shock 1+2 - he. heh. HEH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! System Shocks have the best. Villian. Ever.
System Shock 1 - Take this one for exploration, freedom and feel. It's more of an FPS than RPG, but it's great FPS with lots of freedom (...yes, I have to say that at least 3 times). Because fo all freedom you get, I actually finished the game like 5 times and always found something new. Also, storytelling and audiologs are simply one of the best out there, with great voice-acting and, as always, awesome SHODAN. You will actually hate this villian. Or love (like me :D )
System Shock 2 - this game shifts towards RPG with a bit less exploraion possibilities, but much more freedom in character-developement. Get this for a great story and ... Well, simply trust me - this game may not be as great as SS1, but it's almost at it's level. And if you like sci-fi horror, that's VERY high level indeed.
Drakensang - German Baldur's Gate with better characters. 'Nuff said.
The first 2 Fallouts not 3 or Tactics. - Ha, Fallouts. Artificial life goes post-apo! :D Vast possibilities, great locations and characters, great story... That makes these 2 games unique. There's a LOT of exploration included, world is really open and you CAN do whatever you desire, as long as engine allows it. Sex, drugs, violence and power armor. What do you want more, seriously? Best 'pure' RPG in history. Oh, and play Fallout 1 first. It's better. It IS. Shut up, people! (it seems whoever played F2 first likes F2 more :D )
Planescape:Torment (the pinnacle of the Infinity Engine games, imho) (yes, it is, Judas.) - Fantastic game. Hmmm, more like an interactive book. Go for this if you like characters and story - and great spell effects. Unique fantasy setting makes this game really, really worth playing - however, this is the most talk-ish game of all in this list in my opinion. So if you're more into gameplay than story, you won't like it. If you like reading books... You'll LOVE it. Also, it has great replayability value, as all quests have multiple solutions, which are actually REALLY different.
Both Icewind Dales. - didn't like those. Do you want lot of fighting? They're great. But... Well, I'm more of a story-guy (you might have noticed :D )
Sacred Gold - meh, Diablo II with more movement freedom. Didn't like this one either, but I guess that was because I've played the hell out of Diablo in my life. Well, might be worth getting if you didn't :D
Divine Divinity - eeeh
Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic 1+2 - Yeah, these are very good. Do you like Star Wars? It's a must have. Don't like Star Wars, or don't you mind Star Wars? ... I think you'll be better off searching other story-oriented games, The Witcher is very similar and IMO beats the game in every aspect.
The Wizardry series of games although I would recommend playing 6-8 because the older games have graphics that I just can't tolerate. There's old graphics and then there's REALLY EYE BLISTERINGLY old graphics. - hmmm...
The Might and Magic games. - eeeeh
The Eye of the Beholder games. - I really don't like dungeons! Go away!
Dungeon Hack for a randomly generated sort of 3d dungeon. Think of it as the predecessor to Diablo. - hrrrm...
The 2 Dark Sun games for turn-based awesomeness. Too bad that setting wasn't used more often. - What... what?
All of the Gold Box games are great although hard to find unless you "acquire" them. I hope they end up on GOG so I can buy them in a legitimate fashion one day. - I.. Damn it!
The Legacy: Realm of Terror for a horror themed RPG. - No, I ...
Anachronox - I don't know this one either. I feel ashamed.
Well, there you go, hope it helps, I was in a writing mood :D