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doady: Games I regret buying

Dark Reign: overpriced; compatibility issues

Patrician 1 + 2: Patrician 3 = Patrician 2 + expansion; it's very sleazy that GOG sells both 2 and 3 separately

Betrayal at Krondor Pack: bought this specifically for Betrayal in Antara, but the game is broken. However, I am currently enjoying BaK immensely.
I thought the issues with BIA were fixed? Maybe I misunderstood.
Profanity: Two Worlds Epic Edition - ultimate bleh. Such a big world and I don't want to see any of it.
Oh no, don't say that! I haven't played it yet!
tarangwydion: I wanted to post a couple of games, but I do not need the debate from the fanboys, so I guess I'll pass :-)
Yeah, well I still think your opinion is wrong. ;)
Post edited November 18, 2012 by Dzsono
Dzsono: Yeah, well I still think your opinion is wrong. ;)
Don't be too sure about it :-P
Hmm. I thought I would have a lot more, but all I've got that I really disliked was Two Worlds.

I sort of regret buying King's Bounty and Fantasy Wars only because I own them cheaper elsewhere now, but I don't dislike the games.

I probably could have held out for a sale on Retro City Rampage and Quest for Glory as I've yet to touch them despite paying full price, but I definitely don't regret owning them now.

But yeah. Two Worlds is pretty meh. Anyone who calls Oblivion generic and then praises Two Worlds with a straight face is insane (and I've seen it done frequently). That game is the epitome of generic, dull fantasy.
PenutBrittle: Hmm. I thought I would have a lot more, but all I've got that I really disliked was Two Worlds.

I sort of regret buying King's Bounty and Fantasy Wars only because I own them cheaper elsewhere now, but I don't dislike the games.

I probably could have held out for a sale on Retro City Rampage and Quest for Glory as I've yet to touch them despite paying full price, but I definitely don't regret owning them now.

But yeah. Two Worlds is pretty meh. Anyone who calls Oblivion generic and then praises Two Worlds with a straight face is insane (and I've seen it done frequently). That game is the epitome of generic, dull fantasy.
More so than Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon's Dogma, and Kingdoms of Amalur?
Quite a few, actually. Let's see:

Litil Divil: Terrible game, see my review on the game page (before I posted it had all 4-5 star reviews)

LBA: Almost universally praised, but the fact that it's so long between saves and one hit kills you means I spent hours trying and failing to beat the first part of the game.

Blood 2: Loved Blood, though it was worth a couple bucks to try the sequel - it wasn't.

The Last Express - I usually love adventure games and this one had glowing reviews - But I hated the timed aspect, the cramped conditions, and the animation style. The story didn't draw me in either.

Superfrog: Great reviews and I thought a platformer would be a nice change - way too hard even on easy, the graphics and gameplay are pretty bland.

Riven: Bought realMyst and loved it, so I thought I'd try the sequel - but had to drop it because of no 3D and way too wide open (no idea what to do and SO many places to go and things to try).

JourneyMan 2: Story sounded interesting, but looking through that tiny window was a big turn-off and the beginning wasn't very engaging.

Might & Magic 6 pack: Bought only for MM6 hoping to explore the capabilities of the 2.5D engine while I played through the introduction - got way too complex for me too quickly (Lands of Lore is much better at this).
Post edited November 18, 2012 by ecamber
BadDecissions: Postal 2--Some fellow GOGer has a blog where she(?) talks about this game. She compares it to someone dumping a box of tomatoes on your desk, and telling you to laugh at them. And when you don't, you get told not to take things so seriously, and how are you supposed to respond to that? You're not taking the tomatoes seriously; they just aren't funny. Which perfectly sums up my own relationship with this game.
I'm a guy, actually :3

So yeah... Postal 2, definitely. Shoddy, disgusting, and repulsive, with only sporadic laughs and a relatively interesting premise to make up for it. I would not spend $10 on it again. Also...

Postal 1 - I have absolutely no interest in it, but purchased it by mistake and didn't bother getting a refund. I might play and review it some day, just for fun.

Blood 2 - Broken and bland. I can see the "bad but fun" appeal, but frankly I don't see anything I couldn't get in other less frustrating titles.

Possibly Alien Shooter as well. I bought it and Alien Shooter 2 together, and haven't really seen a reason to play much of it.
Elmofongo: More so than Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon's Dogma, and Kingdoms of Amalur?
Way more than Dragon Age, though I wouldn't call that generic as it does the high/dark fantasy combo pretty well. Haven't played the others beyond the Amalur demo, and I would certainly peg Amalur as the more interesting setting.

Two Worlds is wolves, bears and a few goblins for what feels like 90% of the map.
A few of my games actually:
-Soulbringer: I wouldn't mind this game if I could figure out how to make the text scale in a decent font to my native resolution.
-HoMM 2, 3 and King's Bounty: I wanted to like these games so much, but I realized that I really don't like the idea of having to go around the map and slowly gather a mass of units for the tactical battles. I'll stick with Disciples 2.
-Crusader: No Remorse: The game isn't bad by any means, I just can't wrap my head around the controls period.
-Spellforce 2: The base building is so tedious, can't stand it in RTS and can't stand it here.
amok: no I mean it - that game do not have one single redeeming quality.
Licurg: Are you serious ?!?! You can do a shitload of stuff that you can't do in any other game... Can you piss on people in any other game? Can you shove your gun up a cat's ass ? No, you can't... That's the beauty of Postal 2 - There's just nothing else like it.
Sometimes there's nothing else like it because "it" is a bad idea. Postal 2 has a ton of attention-seeking gimmicks and wildly varying stabs at humor. That's about it. It does what it does with arrogant enthusiasm, but makes no attempt to back its obnoxiousness up with anything resembling good design or thoughtful creation. So yeah, I understand why some people like it, but some of us just find it abrasive and ugly. It's the videogame equivalent of an intoxicated frat boy belting out Nicki Minaj singles in an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent at 3:30 in the morning. It may be unique, even heartfelt, but it can also be really fucking irritating.
BadDecissions: Sherlock Holmes: Secret of the Silver Earring--boring, pixel hunt
To be fair, Sherlock Holmes is basically a pixel-hunting MASTER, so it makes sense that the game would be set up that way. That doesn't make it FUN, though.
ReynardFox: Only one so far: Enclave.

Brain dead AI and terrible combat with some seriously screwy collision detection.
Same here. I'm sure if you're like 14 years old, no large gaming experience and in the mood for that type of game it could be seen as decent at best but yeah, ugh..

ashout: giants. great game except for level 2, really hard to complete and makes the rest of the game unplayable until you finish it
What exactly is too hard in level 2? You really should try it again or look up a walkthrough for that specific section then continue without until you get stuck again. The game is awesome and hilarious!
I don't really regret any of my purchases, but I didn't like:

- Neighbors from Hell (maybe I just didn't get it).
- AquaNox 2 (I think it was two...but the first encounter was really, really hard for me. It didn't bode well. After about 5 times having to replay the boring moving around part before that fight, I just said screw it and gave up.)
- Robinson's Requiem Collection (These games are astronomically difficult. Every menu is hard to really get information from without a manual by your side at all times, you don't ever get the means you need, freaking werewolves are impossible to predict, etc.)
- GangLand (It just doesn't play well. :/)
- Panzer Elite (I couldn't figure the controls out.)
- Star Control 3 (I just didn't like the way it was set up...may try again sometime, though.)

These were a bit too hard for me:

- Gorky 17
- Robinson's Requiem, as mentioned above.
- Lure of the Temptress (That damn opening scene...)
- Realms of Arkania 1+2
- Chaser
- Little Big Adventure
- Darklands

And these don't work:

- The Longest Journey (Runs slow and graphical errors on Win7.)
- Creatures: Docking Station (The server is almost never up.)

I love all of my other purchases though. Anywhere from good to great for them. Need to start reviewing more games.
My biggest regret is Shattered Steel. the game is absolutely broken, my projectiles fly through the enemies, rendering progress impossible, very disappointed in that one and really regret it. Shogo and Darkstone are a little less in that they work and just fail to engage.
am happy that i have stayed away from most of the games people have problems with here :)