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Elmofongo: ...Was there a time you bought a game from GOG and felt like you wasted money...
Flatout: I didn't like the controls and it was quite monotonic, not to compare with Need for Speed.

Star Control 3: No explanations, no tutorial, not a clue what to do, not to compare with Master of Orion.
I regret nothing !
zomgieee: I regret nothing !
Giants: Citizen Kabuto - What a bunch of overhyped &%@$! The constant low brow humor didn't help.
Total Annihilation games - They reminded me again why (most) RTS games fell out of my favor.
To The Moon - A bunch of drivel with little to no game. I've read better trashy novels for less.
Mutant Mudds - Not horrible by any means, but the game overall is decidedly mediocre.
Creatures: The Albian Years - I knew there was a reason I stayed away from this one as long as I have. I don't have enough patience for this kind of 'game'.
Another World: Nice atmosphere, but terrible in any other way. It was short enough though so that I forced my way through.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by mistermumbles
die by the sword
shattered steel
vr soccer 96

to be fair half of those games were in that pay what you want deal and the other half I failed to do my research on them
Post edited November 19, 2012 by expansion80
I didn't even have to click on the link to figure where it leads to. :D
expansion80: die by the sword
shattered steel
vr soccer 96
God, some of you people have such an awful taste.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by F4LL0UT
orcishgamer: Hmm, MoO3, I only got it because it was in a bundle, but I feel like I promoted it somehow.
The bundle I got it in actually paid me to take it.

I still feel vaguely cheated.
While I do not have it here on GOG, but I own it as a physical copy since I lucked out in finding one, is The Complete Ultima VII. It might be because I haven't dedicated enough time to it or I am weened on modern RPG games but for the love of god does this game bug the crap out of me. I have this mixture of thinking it is a fantastic game and thinking it is an annoying game because the combat is just too ridiculously erratic and I constantly die. I might give the game a shot another time so I can figure everything out but for now I just can't say if I like the game or not based on the combat alone.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by SpooferJahk
The entire King's Quest package. Thought it would be all nostalgia, but couldn't feel it anymore.
Elmofongo: More so than Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon's Dogma, and Kingdoms of Amalur?
PenutBrittle: Way more than Dragon Age, though I wouldn't call that generic as it does the high/dark fantasy combo pretty well. Haven't played the others beyond the Amalur demo, and I would certainly peg Amalur as the more interesting setting.

Two Worlds is wolves, bears and a few goblins for what feels like 90% of the map.
So the impression I am getting is that its not a bad game its just dull, generic/derivative, and uninspired?
Post edited November 19, 2012 by Elmofongo
Little Big Adventure.
Has one of the worst control system I ever tried.Can't managed to solve the first level :(
Earthworm jim 1-2

I love platformers but somehow this game controls so terrible and levels are so unclear that i just cannot see why this i such a classic...

<checks the account>

<checks it again>

<checks it just to be sure...>

xxxIndyxxx: Earthworm jim 1-2

I love platformers but somehow this game controls so terrible and levels are so unclear that i just cannot see why this i such a classic...
This is just a port. The original was for the amiga(I think) and apparently it was much smoother.
Redneck Rampage collection. It is well a disaster. It just cannot be set up, the options menu is a failure. Good old times aren't coming back with this one =(