amok: Did not Halo start all that rechargeable health thing in shooters?
It's not a bad thing. It can be in some games but for some others it's a good thing. Adding "medkits" in a level doesn't make for good game design, regenerative health still means you're going to have to be careful when in danger but you won't have to run around looking for medkits everywhere and can just play the damn game x)
Of course, in some games it just doesn't fit.
I also disagree on diablo 2, Titan Quest was great and so are the torchlight games and Diablo III.
Most gamers fail to understand that Diablo 2 wasn't that great when it first came out, it became great with time (and the expansion + new patches), and i'm hoping it'll be the same for Diablo III (fun but a bit boring after a while).
Back on topic, i'd have to go with
master of orion series.
While i love MoO2, no game has managed to be as good as that one. The third one was a total failure, and even if galactic civilizations II is pretty good it lacks several features from MoO 2 and has a bit of a bland/generic design.