yyahoo: I'm pretty sure they've already stated that "{Galaxy free" installers *would* be provided...
budejovice: That would be a start in my mental recovery from being blocked from my game (in single-player, offline) this weekend. Thanks...
Yes this is confirmed. The hability to download standalone installers will always be there.
But I would like a clarification on your witched adventure problem. What happens when you try to play when offline?
yyahoo: Found a reference:
Judas states: "you'll always have the option to get a standalone installer and any patches that come with it as always"
Pheace: Not sure that's quite the right quote for this situation. That quote's intended as opposed to the situation of only being able to download the game through GOG Galaxy. Basically what you are using *is* the standalone installer option. It simply comes with Galaxy integrated, but I assume use of it is optional. (Opt-out perhaps)
They did say that one of the reasons for the delay of GOG Galaxy was that they were still converting the store's installers to Galaxy ready installers. I imagine they'll all include it to some extent.
I think they said the games were being reworked to be able to be installed with galaxy while keeping the standalone installer. Supposedly this means the same game can be installed with galaxy in a process similar to steam OR with the standalone installer, with galaxy not being involved in anyway.
Someone who knows where to find the original quote could help here. I read it but don't remember where...
Some new inglo on galaxy would be nice though. Originally we were supposed to have new info this year but even that promise was removed from the site. And build 0.2 sounds like it is really early in development still. Not even a screenshot.