the_bard: LOL I just got sprayed by a skunk. Hahahaha...
Well, according to my roommate anyway. I can't smell anything. -___-
How did that turn out anyways. Did you ever get the little fucker to stop?
Hope all has been well with you as well.
It stopped, but I can't really know what caused it.
I cut branches off of the tree that overhung the house, laced rags with ammonia and laced along the gutter line, and the raccoon stopped coming around.
Skunks are funny, but a bitch when they let you have it. I looked underneath an abandoned homestead in Montana one time, after I saw an animal dart underneath. Skunk, and it got me good; my eyes burned for hours. Payoff to a nibshit I guess :-)
Will be glad to talk via PM if you want, so as not to hijack thread. Nice 2 c u though.