I don't understand why people mention F.E.A.R. so often. After a while it was obvious that you can't die in any Alma encounters, so I was rather like "Oh, fine, another boo moment, yawn"
Penumbra Black Plague is another scary game that has immortal enemies that you can't even look at, so you don't really know where they are, and you're crawling in the corner, your character is breathing deeply, loosing his mind... Yeah, that was a good one. Amnesia, of course, too. So scary, I haven't even finish it yet :P
cynicalmatt: This was one of the things I loved about the game too - the feeling that you have no sanctuary as your apartment becomes infested with ghosts.
Yeah, it was GENIUS how they made it.
First, your room is the only safe place for you. A place of normality, you're peeping (hehe) to your neighbour's room, or through your window, and see that life's normal, everything is fine. You even heal your wounds in your room.
But then, everything becomes to start fucking up, you start to LOOSE life in your room instead of restore it, ghosts are coming from your walls, you just run fast to make a save, grab some ammo and GTFO from your own apartament.
Brilliant, just freaking brilliant. Of course it gets better when you find the candles, but yeah, letting your room to become a hell on earth was the scariest part, so I didn't use them.