Aurion: Anyone here knows Realms of the Haunting? I was pretty young back when it was released, and it some impressive videos and stuff. Like when you sit on the chair/throne and it burns the sign into your hands and so..
You never knew (until you are near finish) what was really going on.. and you where stuck in that Villa most times. And then there where some nasty enemies.. i remember some could not be killed with weapons, you had to drop a bookshelf on them or so, i can't remember exactly.
I never made it even halfway through because of that stuff and so. Partly it was a bit boring too, but i would say its more like it just scared the hell ot ouf me.
I just finished Realm of The Haunting a couple of months ago. Great game! The graphics can be a bit daunting at times, but I don't believe I've played a game quite like it before. I'm not sure what to call it though. It has elements of horror, mystery, fantasy... regardless though, there were times where I felt uneasy, especially later on the in the game. The game itself is quite large, with many locations to travel too, none too alike either. Really, a great game for the 5$ I bought it for.
As for scariest horror game... well Alone in the Dark 2 was great, especially when you became the small girl... I remember throwing molasses on the floor in the pool room to stop the henchmen from grabbing me. Great stuff... more recently, I'd say probably Silent Hill 1 + 2 for atmosphere, and Condemned 1 for a little bit of everything!