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League Of Legends make me rage every time i sux at it,thats the game that comes to my mind right now.So what games make u RAGE!!
BF3, when dying by people I saw first and shot first, when my aim sucks, and when a match finishes and my deaths are more than my kills.
Starcraft 2 when I'm playing 3v3 and when I'm busting my balls trying to cripple opponents' economy, my teammates are playing tower defence or doing anything but attacking.
LBA when I get stuck in a hit loop. What's the point of that?
Need for Speed Underground when you hit oncoming traffic on the last corner of the last lap and get beat!
fexen: Starcraft 2 when I'm playing 3v3 and when I'm busting my balls trying to cripple opponents' economy, my teammates are playing tower defence or doing anything but attacking.
Hahahhahahahha this is sad and funny at the same time... and it is fucking true! :(

Also, Starcraft 2, raging at myself because I miss-scouted his build. :@
Black Ops and MW3 MP while I played them.
when i first started playing bad company 2's multiplayer

Getting killed by people you dont see was rage inducing
I broke a mouse while playing Manhunt, guns rip your character to shreds in a matter of seconds, and most of the second half of the game is shootouts. SWAT members with fully automatic rifles and sniper rifles.

I also broke a lamp on my desk playing Max Payne, the dream sequences with the crying baby, and you have to walk the red line or you fall into the dark abyss and have to start over. That part enraged me and almost killed the whole fucking game for me.

Otherwise, Counter-Strike, Quake III or Unreal Tournament make me cuss and scream a lot.

I'm a happy person.
Dark Salvation. Fucking fucking shit fuck Dark Salvation. Terrible, awful, piece of shit, fuck crap. Just... awful. Morrowind too, but nowhere near as much. And that's saying something, seeing how much Morrowind made me rage.
I got really torqued when I tried to make off with the Wheel artifact as part of a mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Prypriat and kept getting killed by the three bandits who had ambushed me (in a previous save-game continuum, they had successfully conned me out of the artifact!). I finally figured out how to defeat them after 20 tries: throw a grenade at my feet and run for it while they did likewise. By the time they realized what had happened, I was at a safe enough distance from them to make my getaway and complete the mission!
Post edited November 23, 2011 by Expack

Not really, but someone had to say it.
Ity makes me rage when I read a thread here and when I go back to the main page it hasn't been marked as read and I go back into it only to find that there are no new posts
Especially the second time I check!
This just happened to me for this thread, ironically!
Post edited November 23, 2011 by Fever_Discordia
Borderlands DLC Moxxi's Underdome.

It takes ages to complete the five rounds, if you die, you get set back one round and random "debuffs" fuck you up regularly. Oh and no quicksave or checkpoint or anything.

The rest of the game is just a nice murderfilled vacation and the other three DLCs are great. But this DLC *argh*. This is the first game I ragequitted in a loooooooong time!
Starcraft/Starcraft 2