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Dischord: Not sure if rage is the emotion, but I get pretty pissed in Civilization (any) when a f'n infantry or rifleman gets killed by a damned longbowman! Nothing special about the s.o.b. or anything, just a shit luck of the draw occurrence.
wpegg: In Civ 1 I had a phalanx take down a battleship. I never quite worked out how that could be.
That would do it! Right back to the desktop is where I'd be after something like that :-)
Megarace 2. This game drive me crazy. Basically you need to get no.1 in each track, the insane part is each track have 3 rounds. It is vital to get 1st place in the third round, anything else will render your achievement on previous rounds useless and Lance Boyle with his partner in her 80's bikini will make fun of you.
League of legends ranked soloQ mostly :d 1650 to 1800 elo is elo hell :D
You get more honor if you win warsong gulch, dam alliance
The meat circus from Psychonauts made me rage when I played it. I read the game got a patch on Steam (after all these years) and one of the changes was that they made that part easier.

Magicka and it's checkpoint saving system. This also got patched recently. If you play single player, you have a fairy that can ressurrect you and you can save multiple times on checkpoints now.

My raging usually happens when I'm forced to repeat a game stage over and over again and the odds seem unsurmountable. That really kills my fun.
GTA RC missions made me rage quit.

Final Fantasy 2 for the PSP was NOT the American FF, it was the inferior Japanese version where you could level up by either getting smacked around or using offensive magic on yourself. The worst part of the game? Slogging through the final tower which had about 10 or so floors, getting to the final boss, getting him to show his true form as FF games like to do, and not being able to make a dent in his HP in his final form. I just didn't have the time to actually beat him because there was just no way I wanted to go through 10 floors of hell AGAIN.
There is nothing more rage inducing in the whole known creation that a MOBA match.
Lately, for me, it's been Baldur's Gate. The game is amazing, of course, but the pathfinding has brought me to the verge of an aneurysm a few times.

Oh, and Eve. About a billion things set me off in that game, but it's part of the territory. I don't really rage externally, though. I just simmer, grip my mouse, and grind my teeth. Slowly giving myself cancer.
Battlefield 3 - Damn snipers! Gnaaaah!

Magicka - Gnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Dragon Age Origins and perhaps oddly, Pro Evo 2009!! lol i love its become a legend mode and its easy to get sucked into it. As an attacking midfielder my stats improve by creating assists or scoring goals but as a rookie kid no one would pass the ball!!! so i have found myself shouting obscenities at the on screen players in the past!
Any multiplayer game when I'm just having a bad day and I totally suck.

Games with checkpoint save right before an unskipable cinematic. And after the cinematic you die obviously and have to replay it again... by the 2nd or 3rd death I'm in full rage mode already.
wizall: Lately, for me, it's been Baldur's Gate. The game is amazing, of course, but the pathfinding has brought me to the verge of an aneurysm a few times.
Are you not using the Baulder's Gate tutu mod then? It lets you play BG1 with the BG2 engine, although you do have to have BG2 installed to get it working - you'd have BG2 pathfinding and other enharncements too, like monsters not randomly respawning
If you are playing with the BG2 engine and you still find the pathfinding sucks, I think for one of the infinity engine games there was an .ini you could edit to up the number of points the pathfinder uses...maybe
Post edited November 24, 2011 by Fever_Discordia
BG1, IWD1, and PS:T also don't allow characters to move other characters out of the way. BG2 and IWD2 let you "nudge" folks to get by them, which helps as much or more with the pathfinding. In the earlier games, characters tend to get caught on the edges of other characters and just stand there like a doofus. It's even worse in combat when characters will get stuck on each other and do nothing while a monster proceeds to kill them.

Narrow areas, in particular the Firewine ruins, are really really terrible for pathing even with the BG2 engine. Especially if you have a large group.
* Trackmania (any version)
* Super Meat Boy

I'm not usually one to yell at or threaten my computer, but these ones broke me.

You take the good with the bad, though.

It's not often a game makes you get up and do a victory dance, either.
Carmageddon (1) when the game crashes just as you are about to complete a very hard level you played for half an hour. You can't save during the level, of course.

Age of Empires, when you find out you'll have to restart the whole level you've been playing for the last two hours, just because the "corrupting save games" bug has hit you again. In the end, you become afraid to save a game during a AoE mission at all in fear of tainting your save games with corruption, and try to clear all the missions ironman mode, without saving in-between.

I also remember getting angry in TeamFortress Classic sometimes because either some people weren't interested in playing as a team, or some even just tried to destroy the gameplay of their teammates. But later I learned to mellow out and change server, if something like that happened.

Oh right, in TFC the cases where in a public server one team had many more (good) players and was trumping easily the other team, making the game boring for both teams. In such cases I always switched to the losing team to make it more interesting, but many didn't seem to be interested.

Sometimes when I saw that happening and no one (else) changed to the losing/smaller team, I might switch to the winning team (e.g. Blue) as well and write something like "Yeaaah, let's kill the Reds! They have nothing on us! Everyone, change to the Blue team, we'll beat the Red bastards for good!".

For some reason, my new Blue teammates didn't usually seem to appreciate that move and started bitching to me. What's the matter, I thought you liked the uneven gameplay? ;) Usually after that many people from the winning team were all of a sudden magically willing to even out the teams. Mission accomplished, game was interesting once again.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by timppu