crazy_dave: maybe try some motion sickness/anti-nausea pills? The older ones can make you drowsy, but newer ones are less prone to do so (though they still do so a little I understand). It wouldn't be good for playing a lot (you can only medicate yourself so often even with over-the-counter meds before it becomes ... unadvisable), but maybe, maybe it would help playing such games every once in awhile.
I dunno, worth a shot?
I'll try the pills, sounds like it's worth a shot for sure. As for playing in short bursts as other suggested; I get sick after literally a couple of minutes (or seconds on older games like doom). I have read that exposing yourself to it can help, but as some games make me sick quicker than others, I'll start with one that I can at least play for a few minutes currently. Witcher 2 I guess.
How about Gothic 3? I was thinking of getting it, but looking at some youtube gameplay vids has made me think I may get the same issue with it.
cjrgreen: Not playing when you have a condition that affects your ears or digestion (colds, flu)
I've noticed this. Even some top down strategy games that I can usually play without issue can make me sick when I have a flu. I've also found it's far worse when I'm stoned (I don't drink, but I'd imagine being drunk would do the same).
roninnogitsune: I get Seasick from motion, from what I found the best treatment is ginger, Mythbusters tested Ginger too and it turns out to work was better than seasickness drugs. If you like having a soda while you game, Ginger Ale with real ginger is really good.
Thanks for the tip, I love ginger ale so will give it a try :)